Tag Archive | bombings

No More Hurting People … PEACE

11586_366544240129439_1655425686_nWith love and in memory of Martin Richard and the other victims.

Today, like everyone else who has watched the videos and read the accounts of what happened in Boston, I am feeling so many things. First, I’m grateful that my friend Marie who was running the marathon is safe and on her way back home. Second, my heart is wrenched thinking of the pain the families of the dead are feeling, and the agony the injured are enduring. And then there’s what I feel for the soul of the person(s) who did this.

I wonder what black evil touched their lives and taught them to hate. What cloud of hatred is lingering over their lives to such a degree that they sought to hurt, maim, and destroy the lives of strangers. I cannot fathom the blackness that surrounds their hearts and heads.

So I will do what I know – I will focus on the love that came from those who ran to help those who were injured. There is never enough praise for the heroes who go where most of us would flee. I appreciate the love that strangers have offered to each other – be it a restaurant owner and their staff who provided free wifi, food and a safe place to wait for friends and family. Or generous residents who opened their doors so runners and their groups could find a safe place to sleep when they couldn’t get to their hotels. And I am praying in gratefulness to the man who carried a man who lost both legs. I will pray for those who feel pain, fear, and for those involved.

And I bring it home – I will hug those who I love more tightly. I will tell those I care for that they are precious to me a bit more overtly.

Yes, the stories that are coming out of Boston are painting the picture that I already know. Americans are generous, brave, trusting, and strong in the face of adversity. It is the backbone of why we are a great nation.

As I re-read this post I know that I don’t have poignant words that will change the pain that is caused. But in expressing them I know I am adding one more drop of positive love into the universe. It is all I have.

Join me in sharing more positive words. Let us change the world with our focus on what is good and all that is love. Be blessed!