Hello … it’s me

10154168_10152111046213124_1206357627_nWow, it has been quite some time since I came out to create magic here on my blog. Life got busy, my focus waned but my passion for creating a positive difference in the world did not. So, as I continue to focus on my intentions for 2016 I am inspired by a friend and her intentions, to get back to it!

What’s up for me in 2016?  COMMUNITY! That is my “theme” for the year. This includes several aspects as I create the year I want ahead.

First … I am being deliberate in acknowledging and celebrating the community of friends and family I already enjoy. The best way I know to do this is by spending time, sharing what I appreciate about them, supporting them, cheering them on, etc. I just may go on a letter writing campaign to appreciate my friends – you know, the old fashioned way with pen and paper and stamps. We all know how much fun it is to receive a smile in the mail. Yes, as I sit here and envision it, the yummy-ness of this idea is growing on me.

Second … I am on the lookout for a meaningful and fun way to volunteer in my local community.  Having grown up in early childhood in an orphanage I was aware that I was the recipient of love from many hearts and hands. And my dear family that adopted me instilled the desire and practice to give back even deeper into my heart. It’s time for me to shift from sporadic and episodic giving to more consistent giving. So I’m on the hunt for what will be my next volunteer gig.

Third … I am consciously looking for ways to bring positive vibrations and energy into the world at large.  One way is to continue to grow my FB group called Gifts of Gratitude. I created it to counteract the negative info I see all around me. On this page, only posts of what we are grateful for are allowed. It’s a bright spot to focus on the good that is in our daily lives. I will also use this blog and any other vehicle that allows me to shine a light into the world that warms a heart and allows others to shine their bright light too.

I’d love to hear some of your intentions for a fabulous 2016! Be blessed!


9 thoughts on “Hello … it’s me

  1. Thank you for sharing your thoughts! The mentioned of Facebook caught my attention bc I have been staying away from FB bc of the negativity that consumes it but FB is just like the real world….if you look for the bad, you will find it….so look for the good. Instead of staying away from FB I am going to be more choice full in my ‘friends’, the groups I belong and the content I follow. Thank you Barb for reminding me of the good that can be found in everything!

    • Yes I actively eliminate all negative threads and only follow and participate in the positive. It’s my way of giving back and keeping my heart and head clear. Glad my words are helpful for you! Be blessed!

    • Thanks Vicki – Catherine Rains is a dear and I appreciate her sharing my work in the world. Welcome to 2016 – make it all that it can be. I’d love to hear from you what some of your intentions are. Take care and be blessed!

  2. Hi Barbara, Great to hear from you and this is a great post. I also love the idea of #1, and will keep that in mind. I have fallen down on the blog posting myself. Just so much has been going on around here, and now thank God, I am working a full time temp job til sometime mid-March. Love the people I work with and we also have fun at work, while still getting the job done. My ultimate goal is to have a permanent part time job (because I need the money) and wish it could be where I am now. I want good quality time to focus on other things like learning more about writing, reading (including the many blogs I follow, but don’t have time to read many, and actually do some writing. Also I like having the extra time to spend with some friends who don’t work and like getting together during the day for coffee or lunch 🙂

    Sending you big hugs, love and blessings Barbara.

  3. Barbara, this is beautiful. Amazing how our voices are so similar. Love your intentions. Could have listed #1 as mine as well. Putting a lot of energy here as well. Could easily have been my #4. So glad you are getting back to your blog. You write so beautifully and soulfully. Love, Catherine

    • Thanks for sharing my blog and sending friends this way. I am amazed and yet, unsurprised at the commonalities between our minds, hearts and spirit – we are all one. So nice to have another like minded soul connecting with me online. 🙂 Be blessed!

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