Searching for Trust

I’ve been pondering the concept of trust alot lately. I want to trust. I think we all do. So I have been searching. It is an illusive thing and when I look at where I can place my trust – truly – the list of possibilities gives me pause.

Can I trust my emotions – nope, those are fickle, fleeting things. Can I trust my memories – I find more and more that I cannot because memory is only snippets of experiences seen through my lens from my angle, which is not the whole story. Can I trust the words and actions of others – sometimes, but people are imperfect and influenced by many things. Can I trust my thoughts – not really because my mind is limited and as the saying goes – it is our prerogative to change our mind. Can I trust what I hear, read, and see – well, that can be a fool’s journey for we do not know and rarely can verify what is an illusion, half-truth, down right lie, or incomplete accounting. Can I trust my faith – I hope so, but that is really a question of can I trust myself for faith is based on what I have learned thus far. Faith can be tested. Faith can be misguided. Faith isn’t about what I “know”, it’s about what I “believe”. As I look back over my journey of faith I find that every time I expand my awareness or deepen my faith – what I believed to be true before was only partial knowing.

heart-power-1I search and seek the answer. At the end of my mental listing I find there is only one thing that I can trust – and that is God (Source, Oneness or whatever word you choose). God, having created me in his (or her) image is the essence of all that is good in me. God isn’t an entity I “believe” in. God is my source, who I know in the very core of my soul. God gives love, speaks love and never wavers in that position. Many teach that we should fear the wrath and judgment of God, but it is my only experience that God is gentle and kind. God does does not judge as humans do but rather based on who he is, not who I am. And God is unfailing, unconditional love. Unconditional meaning there is no condition under which he does not love me, accept me, forgive me. God NEVER rejects me. God is the one place where my trust has never come back unanswered. God is not ever the source of my pain – life and the free will of myself or others may be. But God is where my rest, my comfort, my completion can be found. This is what I can trust.

Be blessed, dear friends, as you go on your quest of life and discover your source of trust.


Share the Good Stuff!

Used to be when I opened up my FB account I would brace myself for the barrage of negativity, politics, blame, shame, and drama. I had hundreds of friends, and friends of friends, and acquaintances of friends – oh the list was long. Funny how that seemed like it meant something at one time. Oh how I make myself laugh sometimes. And I tried to keep up with what they said and respond and influence. I wasn’t about pushing all that stuff out but I sure did take it in. And I found that it was hurting my heart to do so. That was several years ago. That was not sustainable (thank goodness!)

Today, when I go to that space of cyber connection I go with a smile. What changed you say? I DID! Once I woke up to the idea that I did not have to see what others see, post what others post, spread what others share, or keep the connections I’d made just because I had them in this pretend world we call the internet … I took back control.  Just like I have in my “real life”. I changed the way I interface with people on the internet. I now eliminate the negative – actively and deliberately.

I have shifted from the position of taking it all in, to now only doing selective, “boutique” shopping on my FB connections. I only go for the high-end, quality stuff now. I decided that if I am going to trade precious moments of my life, I better make it worth trading for. So I go where the joy is – if it makes me smile, feel good, invokes inspiration, calls me to positive action, or uplifts others then I’m in. With that decision, miraculously another universal principle started to creep in – what you seek is what you find. I went searching for positive pages to join or follow. I started paying attention to the energy of the people I connect with and with blessings I let many of them go. I started adding to the mix with my own positive messages of joy, kindness, inspiration and love. I use my book’s FB page – Mighty Inspiration for the sole purpose of sending out positive messages. And I created a group – Gifts of Gratitude with the intention of celebrating with each other that which blesses our lives. I have seen that when we share our blessings, they multiply and spread. Who knows, I may create more in the future. What I do know for sure – it has made all the difference!

I am always open for more positivity and more love to flow into my life.  Do you have a favorite page, link, message of positive connectivity you’d like to share? Share the good stuff and be blessed!


Flipping Switches in My Mind

I wonder what it is that flips a switch in our mind and awareness that something we have long heard, read, or known is now ready for action. The mind is such an intriguing universe.

A few days ago a friend shared a video on YouTube by Hal Elrod called The Miracle Morning. Hal talks about changing your life by changing the morning routine you begin each day with. His story and his words are so inspiring. I posted it and I let the message seep into my consciousness. It wasn’t a new message. I’ve been thinking about shifting how I join up with the world in more positive ways for a very long time. No action was ever taken – just pondering and daydreaming about it. And then of course, rolling over and snoozing a bit longer. lol

And yet, something this day was different. I wish I could understand what was different so I could harness that total “yes-ness” into other areas of my life at will. Haven’t figured that piece out yet. However even without knowing the how, since then, without resistance or pain, I’ve simply begun.

Now I am waking up earlier and infusing my day with positive thoughts, actions, meditation, reading, writing – all the things that make my heart sing. I’m even looking at instituting a bit of exercise into the morning routine. That statement right there is a total mental shift for me.

Perhaps a part of it is that I’m watching other friends create the routines that bring them joy. Perhaps it is my soul calling out to me to step up and continue the other shifts I’ve been making on the mental and emotional planes. Whatever the “secret sauce” is – I am grateful. I am grateful for “finding the time” to be a bit more fully congruent with my desires.

What brave new shifts, routines and habits are you creating? I’d love to hear.

Be blessed!


Hello … it’s me

10154168_10152111046213124_1206357627_nWow, it has been quite some time since I came out to create magic here on my blog. Life got busy, my focus waned but my passion for creating a positive difference in the world did not. So, as I continue to focus on my intentions for 2016 I am inspired by a friend and her intentions, to get back to it!

What’s up for me in 2016?  COMMUNITY! That is my “theme” for the year. This includes several aspects as I create the year I want ahead.

First … I am being deliberate in acknowledging and celebrating the community of friends and family I already enjoy. The best way I know to do this is by spending time, sharing what I appreciate about them, supporting them, cheering them on, etc. I just may go on a letter writing campaign to appreciate my friends – you know, the old fashioned way with pen and paper and stamps. We all know how much fun it is to receive a smile in the mail. Yes, as I sit here and envision it, the yummy-ness of this idea is growing on me.

Second … I am on the lookout for a meaningful and fun way to volunteer in my local community.  Having grown up in early childhood in an orphanage I was aware that I was the recipient of love from many hearts and hands. And my dear family that adopted me instilled the desire and practice to give back even deeper into my heart. It’s time for me to shift from sporadic and episodic giving to more consistent giving. So I’m on the hunt for what will be my next volunteer gig.

Third … I am consciously looking for ways to bring positive vibrations and energy into the world at large.  One way is to continue to grow my FB group called Gifts of Gratitude. I created it to counteract the negative info I see all around me. On this page, only posts of what we are grateful for are allowed. It’s a bright spot to focus on the good that is in our daily lives. I will also use this blog and any other vehicle that allows me to shine a light into the world that warms a heart and allows others to shine their bright light too.

I’d love to hear some of your intentions for a fabulous 2016! Be blessed!


Remembering the Heroes of My Childhood


I was coming home from breakfast today and feeling blessed, thankful and a bit sentimental. I decided to drive off the beaten path and go by the VFW hall that was such a central part of my childhood. It was strange to see how much smaller the building and the property seemed to my adult eyes. It’s not my first drive past the place as an adult and yet it still gave me pause.

In that moment I could hear the sounds of the hustle and bustle of the busy place. I could close my eyes and see my friends and I running around, dancing by the jukebox and listening to the stories of our elders. I remember how excited I was to create a Jr. Girl’s Unit with my Mom. It was something we did that bonded us a bit more deeply to each other and to the community we loved and enjoyed.

I could almost smell the aftershave of all the heroes of my childhood as they would buy me a candy bar or ruffle my curly hair. I remember feeling safe there. Safe in the care of these adults who drank beer, watched sports on the TV, and told stories of yesteryear. But they did way more than that in my life. They taught me to honor the flag, to appreciate the sacrifices of those who traveled to faraway lands to fight and protect the freedoms that I often forgot I enjoyed. They showed me what service was and walked hand-in-hand with me as I learned those lessons. They created a fun and safe environment for my naive childhood to blossom.

Yes, I could hear them, and smell them, and feel them again today as I drove past that vacant building. It made this crisp, sunny autumn day come alive for me in a different way.

And then I remembered the season – I remembered standing outside the grocery store selling those little paper poppies in remembrance of these heroes. And I smiled, in anticipation and hope that someone will be standing at our grocery store this week with poppies. I will buy one and keep it with me as a token of thank you for those who came before. Thank you to my Grandpas – Jim and Juel, and my Dad. Those brave, loyal, tender, hardworking men who influenced my childhood and my life. I am blessed to have them shape my world and to embed a deep love of country, heroes, and family.

This week as we celebrate Veteran’s Day in the US – I honor those heroes who have been in my life – those of my childhood and the friends and neighbors that walk in my world today.

Be blessed heroes!

~ Barbara Bernard Miller

My Life List …

I’ve been thinking alot lately about the things that I’d like to do in this lifetime. Maybe it’s my upcoming birthday that is putting me in this mood.
hot-air-balloon-57_3While it’s a common phrase these days, I’m not sure I like the term “bucket list” – I get it, it’s from the movie title. I’d rather call it my “Life List” or my “Dream List” or my “Experience It All List” … but that’s just me. Whatever you call it, I love the concept. I first heard about it as a “100 Things to Do Before You Die List” back around the turn of the millennium.  The speaker talked about the idea of arriving at the end of life knowing he lived it all, as much as he could, on purpose. No regrets are as strong as the dreams you left unchased.  With that motivation, I immediately made a pretty good list that started with flying in a hot air balloon. Yep, that was my first thing checked off as I did just that for my 40th birthday. I’ve since checked off quite a few items by now (11 years later).

So I’m reinvigorating my dreams and building up my list. I’d love to hear what’s on your list of things not to miss in this lifetime. So let’s do some sharing. What’s the favorite thing you’ve ever done and something you are hoping to do. I’m sure with suggestions from friends I’ll fill up my list in no time.

Suggest away and be blessed!


Weird Al Yankovic’s – Word Crimes

Ok, I just can’t help myself. I must confess I have always been a fan of “Weird Al” Yankovic. He spoofs real songs and videos and frankly he’s a talented guy. He has another one that’s out now and, as a writer and blogger I think it’s just the perfect song to help us all out.

So, go ahead and giggle as you watch this one!

Stained Glass People

2ea0379f638c9f4fd0ea7ac696c65831As a collector of stained glass I particularly love this quote. Here’s to the beauty within shining brightly on the outside too. Be blessed!

“People are like stained-glass windows.
They sparkle and shine when the sun is out,
but when the darkness sets in, their true beauty is revealed
only if there is a light from within.”

~ Elizabeth Kübler-Ross ~


Being Congruent At Last

MI website logoI’ve been struggling for a while now. We all do it, mostly by getting hung up with the paradigms we put in place along the journey of our life. We hear something or see something and we begin to believe it. We let our minds hold onto the thoughts and our hearts lead us around under it’s influence. We limit ourselves by the thoughts of “What will so-and-so think?” or “How will this get in my way?”

Then one day, we hear something different; something that re-opens our eyes to who we really are and what we really are here in life to do.

Well, that happened to me as I’ve gone through the certification to be a Dream Builder Life Coach this past year. That process that I went through opened a corner of my mind to the possibility that I could authentically show up in the world as a “whole” person – both an intelligent, successful professional as well as a divinely connected spiritual person. It’s a struggle to try to segment our lives to be one or the other depending on the audience.

Today I decided I was strong enough to stop the struggle … simply stop.  My intention is to be congruent, consistent, and whole. I am a multi-faceted woman with many gifts, skills, talents, and passions. And I have the right and ability to authentically operate in the world in a blended, holistic way vs. a segregated and separate way.

WOW! How freeing it is to say it out-loud. How absolutely right and peaceful it feels in my heart to know that I can be me … all of me. Other people can choose to love it, hate it, like it, or lump it. And none of that changes me. Because I have this mighty shift in my attitude and my countenance, I know that it will create a shift in my success as well. I will attract more people who will seek out my services because they also want to be authentic and congruent. It’s a win-win in every way!

In the spirit of living out my new-found confidence I have updated my website as well. Feel free to browse around:

Be who YOU are – boldly and authentically and congruently YOU! And be blessed!

angel praise

Maya Angelou … a Tribute – original poem

Today the light in heaven got a little brighter as the earth released a powerful, lovely woman … Dr. Maya Angelou.

MayaAngelouShe had long been my hero – this woman, this phenomenal woman who gave voice to higher spirit living inside of us. She encouraged us. She lit the candle of her soul into the darkness and she made the world look at itself differently. She will continue to guide my path as her words, although now limited by time and space, will continue to radiate until the end of time itself. I am sad to see her go.

One of my favorite quotes from Maya is: “A bird doesn’t sing because it has an answer, it sings because it has a song.” In honor of that lovely insight, I will “sing my song” in this poem, this tribute to a rare soul. Be blessed on your journey home Maya!



(original poem)

The words, though they cease in their coming, echo brightly into the world.

Bouncing from soul to soul with a loving touch, I hear them ringing.

I follow the sound of encouraging rhythm and see their wisdom still living.

You, a humble hero with not enough time to satiate our hearts.

You, a poet, evangelist, and earth angel flitting now beyond time.

You shall be missed but not forgotten.

You will be quoted, revered, and still spoken.

You shall gloriously write the words the angels now will sing.

And in the day when your voice can be heard by all of eternity,

We shall look again upon a woman, a phenomenal woman, 

Speaking her lilting words of love.

And we will again be inspired.

~ Barbara Bernard Miller

Mirror Moments

Laura-Williams’-Creative-Invisible Reflection-Photo-Session-2I experienced one of those “mirror moments” today. I was attending a  community group today with a lovely bunch of women. The session included some reflective, quiet time and supportive sharing.  Right in the middle of this lovely energy we were interrupted by a very indignant woman barging into the space being rude and accusatory without reason. She was the mother-of-the bride who was preparing for the wedding that was to take place later in the day in the same venue.

After she left the space we all quickly cleared her energy from the room and sent her loving thoughts. The irony was that the session was about the mother archetype. What I realized as time went on was that “mad mama bear” energy the woman brought into the room was a reflection back to me (and perhaps others) of the effect that aggressive mothering has on others. One one hand, I felt offended by her and pity for her daughter who was experiencing such negative energy on such a beautiful day. On the other hand, I saw myself in her from times in past when I felt the need to lash out to protect my rights, my children’s rights, or just because I was stressed. That mirror moment, while brief, has left an imprint on my mind and my heart.

I hope I remember that impact and that woman the next time my “mama bear” emotions rear up. I hope I hold the mirror up fast enough to not take that energy into the groups of people that I encounter. If I make this mistake, I pray that others will clear that energy from the room and send me loving thoughts as we did today.

And, while it was disconcerting, I find it also stirred up my compassion. It reminds me that everywhere I go, there are people experiencing life as unfair and difficult, stressed beyond their own recognition. I choose to use that compassion and that recognition as deeper motivation to use my energy to shift the energy around me for good.

Blessings dear bride, and peace to you “mama bear” – may the wedding be a joyous moment free of aggressive, stressed out energy.

Be blessed!



Mother’s Day celebrating …

It’s that time of year again when we celebrate mothers. It’s one of those holidays that make my heart sing for many reasons.

First, I love that I have had the pleasure in life to be a mother – my children, and the spouses they have chosen are a true blessing. I am proud of them all! They have brought out the best in me. They have challenged my spirit to grow in ways I never imagined anyone could. They have enhanced and expanded my life and I am grateful!

Second, When I look at my mother, aunts, sisters and grandmothers I feel deep appreciation because I know the sacrifices they have made for me and my family. Every woman in my family has made a deep and lasting impression on me and my life, both as a woman, and a mother. The ties of love run deep!

And lastly, this holiday is always marked with my favorite flowers as well … lilacs. The look and smell of them take me back to so many family-oriented moments. They make my heart happy and fill my mind with sentiments and hopes. 

As we move through this weekend I will share again the poem I wrote on a previous Mother’s Day that says it best of all …. I Am a Mother.

Enjoy the memories you love most of your mother and if you are blessed to have children (whether your own or any other) that look up to you and that you love … enjoy and celebrate your day!


Alleluia – Kelley Mooney

As we enter into the Holy Week of Easter celebration for the Christian world I cannot help but share this beautiful new version of this song by Kelley Mooney. It gives me goosebumps both spiritually and physically. I cannot listen too many times.

I wish you blessings as you listen and encourage you to share!