Archive | March 2014

What moves you?

Have you ever consciously noticed that there are some people and some things that seem to jump-start your heart, mind, imagination and spirit of excitement for life? I have, and today a couple of them have been part of my day. It’s what keeps me moving forward.

10154168_10152111046213124_1206357627_nFirst – KINDNESS: This is by far the fastest way for me to change my life and the world – whether it’s seeing it or participating in it … the power is so great it can create miracles any way it touches me. This past year for my 50th birthday I held my “Kindness Inspires Kindness Day” where my friends and I celebrated by doing 50 acts of kindness. It was spectacular and you can read about it in my serious of posts starting with:  50 – Acts of Kindness that is.  The feeling and boost I got from that day still lives in me. It was by far the best birthday ever – the giving was the best gift I could give myself. I was inspired by a friend, Miss Anita, who is now holding her second Kindness day. She’s a true inspiration and one of the most generous souls I know. She knows how to keep her spirit in peak shape by her constant flow of kindness. She’s one of my favorite heroes.

Second – MUSIC:  The universal language that has the power to shift a mood, shift an atmosphere, shift a heart or a dream. I’ve posted this one before but every single time I hear it my soul literally leaps and recommits to my life’s purpose of inspiring and helping others. I cannot help but to share it again.

Take your candle, go light your world … and be blessed! ~ Barbara Bernard Miller



Break Free!



Today I saw this post and it brought me to a standstill. I hadn’t ever really examined what it looks like to truly change … to be born into a different dimension of life. Not just adjust or tweak your life … but to transform it immensely and suddenly. 

We so often wish for and day dream about the results we want. We forget that to leave this life of want, discontent, or unhappiness we have to go through the labor of chipping away at the toughness of life that is our constricting shell … from the inside out. We bang our hands, our head, and our feet on that which limits our growth until with a final blow we break the surface. Stretching with all our might we crack open what was life – the “safe”, the known, the familiar barriers that we longed to undo but became so used to. 

Suddenly, without our knowing what is on the other side of that shell we come tumbling out into something new. New, rich, fertile dirt of possibility, the stuff that nurtures life. Something that is awe-striking and in moments frightening because the next moment is unknown. We have destroyed the thing that held us in for so long. We are born again into possibility.

Am I brave enough to really do this? I believe, with shaking voice and weak knees, that yes, I am!


Be blessed!

The Power Within You

The Power Within You

I’ve heard it said that some people live ninety years and others live one year ninety times.  The difference is that those living their years to the fullest are living their dreams.  We are all capable of living our dream lives when we open ourselves up to possibilities and opportunities.

We have been trained to look at conditions to determine what the opportunities and possibilities are for our lives, though these conditions can be limiting when viewed with just the five senses.  When we live outside the standard senses and use intuition, imagination, and perception we are able to more clearly see our heart’s desire and the dreams that will bring us the happiness for which we yearn.  We all have an inner voice, but it is not one of reason or logic…it is the voice of guidance.  This voice may not make sense to anyone else, but it is there to help us recognize and nurture the thoughts that build dreams of our very own.

The underling principle of dream building is this: The power that is within each of us is greater than anything that is in our surroundings.  The power that is within each of us is greater than any circumstance of our life.  The power that is within each of us is greater than our history.  There are all sorts of things that we can hold as ideas that will keep us from our dreams or, instead, we can use our thoughts in service of dreams instead of thwarting them. 

Changing our thoughts to best build our dreams is a two-step process.  First, we must release condition-based thinking.  If we focus our thoughts on what we don’t want to happen, we bring about those circumstances.  For example, if you want to lose weight and concentrate on not eating pizza, then you crave pizza and ultimately give in to it.

The second part of the process is to focus on what you do want to create, regardless of our conditions.  Using the weight loss example, if you think about the delicious salad you are going to have for dinner then you look forward to that salad and do not think about the pizza that would thwart your efforts.  This is true even if you work in a pizza parlor!

Each of us is the author of our own thoughts.  The past or present does not need to dictate the future.  Allow yourself to explore the possibilities of your dreams and fill your mind with what you would like to be and do and create and give.  Use your inner power to write the future in a way that supports your dreams. 

To Your Greatness!

~ Barbara



P.S. Want support in discovering and building your dreams? I am now a certified Dream Builder Life Coach. I carved out a few strategy sessions that I am gifting ($250 value). Message me if you want to learn more.