Tag Archive | prayer

Heartbreak in Newtown, CT

jesus-holding-girlHeartbreak abounds today … again, as we hear news of the school shooting in Newtown, CT at Sandy Hook Elementary School. The evil that overtook the heart, mind, and soul of the person (or persons) who perpetrated this horrific crime is so complete that it is unfathomable to most. I cannot stop tears from welling up at just the thought of the horrific scene and the terror that was in the hearts of those children and adults on the scene. And my heart aches even more when I think of the mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers and extended family and friends who are finding out that their unimaginable loss is real.

What must we do to heal this nation of this blight of violence? We must join together to love and to heal. We must surround these families with prayers and acts of compassionate comfort. The world needs those of us who carry the light of love to shine – brighter, bigger, and with more power. We must hug our children and loved ones even tighter. We must let no parting go by without saying “I love you.” We must love completely in this moment because we have no promise for tomorrow.

I feel so utterly crushed by the knowledge that this level of hatred and evil exists in the world, and even more so that it exists in this country. This pain is magnified by the timing – just 10 days before Christmas when we celebrate the joy and innocence in the eyes of children. There is no time of the year that loss of children is felt more deeply.

I fall on my knees in prayer. Join me … and be blessed!

A Holy Moment

angel praiseToday I was in the office and my cube-mate was playing some holiday music by consent of our small group. Most were happy and light and it was fun to hear them. Then one song came on that made me stop. I’ve heard it many times but for some reason in that moment, I found myself really, really listening as if for the first time. It was Josh Groban singing  O Holy Night. His voice reverberated all the way to my soul and I was engulfed in a wave of praise and prayer. I had goose bumps and I could almost see every angel drop to their knees and join in the song. It was a tender, precious, holy moment in remembrance of an even greater holy moment.

I couldn’t pass up the chance to give you the same opportunity. And for my non-Christian friends, I hope you can simply enjoy the instrument that is his voice.

Enjoy and be blessed! 

I’m changing the world

One of the topics in my book MIGHTY INSPIRATION, Love Letters from God, is the concept of changing the world. Do you believe that you can change the world? I do. Every action and word we use creates a ripple effect. We don’t just put  ideas and energy out into the world – we move them along as well. We expand them when we focus on them or talk about them.

It is my firm desire to change this world. I believe that I have a purpose. It’s not to gather the most possessions or attain the highest of titles. It’s way, way more important than that. I believe my purpose is to help others see their own light and empower them to embrace it. No I’m not perfect at it but I do deliberately work on it. I have a spiritual practice that involves gratitude as well as intercession prayers. Science is even backing up the idea that prayer and faith can change things. This is not new news to the believer but it is important confirmation that is starting to build.

I also work to use my talent for words to inspire – not just on my blog or in my social networking platforms, but also in my work. Planting seeds of positivity seems to be producing many fruitful changes. I enjoy seeing the faces of people when my words seem to strike a cord in their hearts. I enjoy it more when they share the words or even suggest some more. I see a bit of encouragement growing in the work place and I hope that my small efforts are a part of the cause.

And next I want to move from words of inspiration to actions of change. I have long been a “sponsor” for children outside of my country. And yes, I can help them with my modest financial donations. That enables others to use my gift by putting it into action. Lately, that hasn’t seemed like enough.

Next year I’m turning 50. Yep, it’s just a number but in my head it’s a number that represents the middle of my life. I’ve graduated from the daily needs of my children – they are adults and creating their own lives now. And I’m not at the end of my life where I reflect on the journey complete. I’m in the middle. I’m in a position of flexibility that I want to put to use. So I’m exploring where to go and what to do to make my mark on lives I don’t ordinarily have the opportunity to affect. I can go into the world, not once, but over and over. I can combine my love of travel and appreciation for different cultures to spur me into action – I can see the world and change the world and we shall all be the better for it.

I’m wrestling with new questions – Where do I go? What gifts do I give? What talents do I share? Who do I take by my side? The answers to these questions may not stir the world, but they will change the lives of some human beings I don’t yet know. I want to dream big. I want to reach as far as my hands can go. I want to change the world and leave it better for my journey. I want to let strangers know the love of God because they met a woman – this woman.

I’m open to suggestions and inspirations – help me answer my questions … and be blessed!

Calling all Prayer Warriors!!

CALLING ALL PRAYER WARRIORS! I have a friend who is in need of a financial miracle by Tuesday. I know only 1 way to bring on a miracle and that’s the power of prayer. So if you are a praying person, please join me in praying for the special intention of my friend FJ. Thanks and be blessed!

Praying …

I believe that we are spiritual beings having a physical experience. Because I believe that, I am often able to step back and look for the spiritual lessons that life is presenting me. Not always in the moment, but usually sooner rather than later.

And that is where I stand today – wondering what lesson is showing up right now. I am infinitely aware that I am hearing of so very many people around me and connected to me in some way, even if only by a once-removed relationship, who are gravely ill or dying. The pace and quantity seem to be picking up at a severe rate. So does the pace of evil in the world. I’m sure this isn’t just happening to me, but I am ever so aware.

I vow that I will not let my mind wander and conjure up scary or silly scenarios. I will not allow superstition to cloud my view. I have faith in an all loving Creator and I will look to him to calm my trepidation. And I will pray. I pray for my friends who are battling cancer, and strange afflictions. I pray for those I know who have fallen to accidents. I pray for those I know who are facing the horrors of battle and war.

And I will pray for peace – the peace that surpasses all understanding. I invite you to pray with me and be blessed!

“For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.”

~ Matthew 18:20

Wings Revealed – original poem


Out of the whisper of a prayer

The winds shift, drawing my attention.

From the lush green of the space emerges grandeur.

With grace, the mighty presence stretches

To reach his full and powerful stature.

Blinking in awe and surprise

I see that which was always hidden from my view.

Beside him, with effervescent glory stands a golden guardian.

Rushing to take action to ready the path

She moves with radiant intention.

And within a matter of moments the call is made.

Without hesitation a gathering begins to form.

With a frolic of wings and golden light

There stands a representation of spirit.

Angels keeping the space with a protective energy.

Celebrating the intention and movement of

human connection to self and others.

All are in the presence of the served.

And we are blessed.

~ Barbara Bernard Miller

Hands of an Angel

I believe that when life is most fragile, angels come to assist us. This is the story of one angel that I encountered.

When my daughter was just a week old I took her to her first pediatrician visit. The doctor was concerned because her umbilical cord had fallen off prematurely, likely from the friction of the diaper, and it was not healing properly. She was concerned about the possibility of meningitis. With an even, calm, but urgent tone she instructed me to go directly to the hospital and have her tested. In my heart I could feel the dread mounting and I did exactly what she said. After an excruciatingly long time in the ER, she was finally examined by the doctor.

Again, with that calm, even tone that only a doctor seems to be able to muster up, I was told there was reason for concern. They wanted to do a spinal tap on my tiny, precious little bundle. I braced myself through my tears. But the doctor told me they would not let me be in the room during the procedure because they don’t want the baby to associate the pain of the procedure with a parent. Oh yeah, like that was going to make me feel better. My heart ached to be the one to comfort her, but I had to follow the procedures of the hospital. I could stand at the door and watch through the window but I could not be there.

Then the doctor made a call. She wanted the assistance of a particular technician. When he arrived, I suddenly understood. The technician’s name escapes me, but his hands I will always remember. They were the hands of an angel. The technician was a tall, strong, black man who appeared to have the spirit of a “gentle giant.” He wrapped his one hand around Maria’s head and the other around her bottom and slowly, gently curled her into a comforting fetal position. His steady, firm touch visibly soothed my daughter and he held her still as night during the procedure. To my surprise, she did not utter a cry. She simply lay, safely curled in the hands of this man with a special touch.

In that moment, I knew he was a living angel come to help my daughter, and me, make it through that painful, delicate moment. And in an instant he was gone. I didn’t get a chance to say thank you, but I always send a grateful prayer up on his behalf when I think of that moment. When I saw this picture … I remembered the hands of that angel.

Remember your angels and be blessed!

Emotional Rituals

A long time ago I consciously realized how much humans are a ritualistic people. I don’t think we actually measure the passage of time by the clock or the calendar, but rather we mark time through rituals and ceremonies. We create rituals for weddings, births, deaths, graduations, birthdays, wins and losses in sports, promotions, retirements, holidays, new years, and the list goes on and on. They are all important rites of passage that help us mentally shift from one circumstance to another. I believe that’s why traditions are so important for people. They are the actions that mark time and the shifting of seasons. It’s how the human brain allows things to end and begin. It helps us with the difficult shift of change.

But there’s one area of life that we seem to neglect, and that’s emotional rites of passage.

Part of my work in human resources is helping with personnel issues. I started to notice that a lack of ritual was at times keeping people emotionally stuck. It showed itself when a project suddenly ended because of priority shifts or lack of funding and teams unceremoniously and abruptly disbanded. This left people with feelings of separation and incompletion. Sometimes it was when roles shifted and people suddenly found themselves temporarily without a manager. Without warning their career support system was just gone with no idea when someone new would be coming. They felt abandoned, even though they intellectually understood what was happening. Other times it was when someone was demoted and quietly moved to other work. This left a list of emotional stuckness for the person and sometimes for the managers who had to make the decision. People can’t always articulate what is in the way for them but moving forward seems extra hard or nearly impossible. I have learned some things from these struggles and have been able to help people create their own private rituals to make the emotional shift, thus helping them mark one time as over and the next to begin. I’ve seen it work time after time.

Because of that work, I started to notice the times when I am stuck because there was no ritual. I became increasingly aware of the need to create my own private rites of passage. I have found that it has made all the difference. Here’s a few examples:

> Going through a divorce and dealing with the sudden change at home was the first one I noticed. Sure there was the court date that served as ceremony for the divorce and marked the shift in marital status. But where I found myself stuck was with the sudden and awkward emptiness in the house. The way we interacted in the space had suddenly changed and I felt like normal routines were shifting like quicksand. In this case, the house wasn’t filled with loving family helping to box up or sort through personal belongings or memories as would happen if there had been a death. It was just me and my kids, suddenly and obviously filling and using the home differently. So I created a blessing ceremony. My kids and I lit a candle and walked through each room of the home saying a prayer of peace and harmony. I reclaimed the house as my own and blessed it. That made all the difference to me emotionally and whether they knew it or not, I believe it made a difference for the kids as well. It felt like I was “moving in” to my home on a new emotional level.

> As my daughter moved to college, and later to New York for her co-ops, I knew the moves were temporary but they were a shift in my emotions. I felt awkward and alone in a different way. I wasn’t officially an empty-nester yet but it was coming in waves. So after each time she temporarily moves out I have created my own ritual. This one always starts with a few tears. For those who know me – no surprise there! They are not tears of mourning as much as sentimental tears as I do a mini walk down memory lane of the little bitty girl who I’ve proudly watched grow up and become independent. I don’t plan on this part of the “ceremony” but since it keeps coming up spontaneously I’ve learned to accept it as part of my what I need. Then I will make myself a cup of tea or glass of wine and I sit and make a list of things I want to accomplish while I have this time of solitude. I follow that by viewing a favorite movie that I have enjoyed with her over the years and I mark the ceremony as complete. It really has made the transition go more smoothly for me when I’ve done this.

> When I was selling the home that I raised my kids in, it was on the market for 5 years. I had renters for a little while, but when they moved out there was a lot of cosmetic but costly damage. I worked hard and fixed it back up to sell. Through that time, although I no longer lived there, I found it emotionally hard to go through the house in its empty state. I wanted so desperately to sell it, but it felt like the house was clinging to me. I needed to somehow move emotionally past it in order to sell it. So one day I decided to do something different. Rather than avoid the memories and the emotional ties, I chose to have a releasing ceremony. Again I walked through each room of the house. This time, rather than claiming it, I released it. I sat in each empty room and allowed the strong memories to come to me. I smiled. I cried. I forgave. I acknowledged. I mourned. It was all about the people and experiences that had taken place there. I had loved that house so completely when I had moved in. So I energetically thanked the house for sheltering me and my family. I placed a drop of the essential oil named Release in a corner of each room and left a silk flower on the window sill in the kitchen as a gift-giving gesture. I verbally and ceremoniously said good-bye to that house and with a heart of gratitude I left the house differently that day. Yes, I know the house wasn’t actually clinging to me, but I was emotionally clinging to it as my “family” home. That ceremony allowed me to make the emotional rite of passage I needed to move from owner to maintainer. Shortly thereafter the house finally sold. Was it magic – no. Was there an energetic and emotional shift there – absolutely!

Those are a few examples of ceremonies that I have created. They have worked so well for me and I’m thankful that I learned to be conscious of my emotional/mental need for ritual. I encourage you to look for the places where your heart is stuck. Do what works for you as a ceremony. And be blessed.

Healing Hands

Today falls into the category of one of my favorite days. Actually this particular “brand” of favorite is one that you can have as well.  What makes it special is the gift of massage.

I’ve had some of the most profound healing at the hands of a medical massage therapist. Part of that was physical with the release of tension and sore muscles. The other part was emotional/ mental/ spiritual. How’s that you ask? Well I combine the physical practice with my meditation or prayer practice. The combination creates a session that intermingles the relaxation and healing intentions of the therapist with my own inner intention of healing on many levels. The effect is quite profound really.

I used to say that when I am rich and famous I would get a massage every month. That seemed like such a lofty goal. But I realized a few years ago that it really isn’t so extravagant in pricing as to preclude me from having my rich and famous treat right now. Yep, I’ll trade in a new pair of shoes, or purse, or other “luxury” to pamper myself in this way. And the beauty of this realization is that it has opened up many opportunities that in the past I would have looked past.

One of them is my daughter’s friend, Amanda, who is now studying to be a massage therapist. Did you know that students have to do so many hours of massage (and at a very cut-rate price) in order to graduate? They’ve had many hours of practice in class so this isn’t a torturous experience. They are nearly ready to go out on their own and have experience before they ever touch a client. Add into that the “no tipping” policy for students, and this luxury is not really priced like one.  So I go whenever I can schedule an appointment. This is my hidden treasure and I’m glad that I found it.

I urge you to surrender to some healing hands, and be blessed!

Puppy Pile of Angels

Do you believe in angels? I do and I know I’m not alone.

I find it interesting that every religion that I’m aware of includes these beings of light and love. They show up in the teachings of ancients, as well as modern-day man. The Torah contains many stories of mystical experiences, including visitations by angels in prophetic dreams and visions. In the New Testament of the Bible, angels foretell and herald the birth of Christ and sing at the heavenly throne. Angels also are major figures in Buddhism and Hinduism, Celtic and Norse mythology, and in many Shamanistic legends. They may have different names but they appear nonetheless.

Not that it really matters – I believe in them no matter what organized religions may have to say about them. I think I’ve always known that I had angels, many of them, surrounding me and working on my behalf. My upbringing tells of a special guardian angel that we all have traveling with us on this life journey. They are assigned to protect us. As a child I would recite the prayer that was taught to me:

“Angel of God, My Guardian Dear, to whom God’s love commits me here.

Ever this day be at my side to light and guard and rule and guide.”

Ahhh, but I have what one friend described as a “puppy pile” of angels flocking around me. I feel them. I sense their guidance, like the time I was driving down a dark road and heard a voice urge me to slow down and look about 10 seconds before a small child on a bike darted across the street. I knew in that second that I had been warned by one of my angels. And that’s happened to me time and time again, whether it be when a car was about to run a red light and almost hit me or other times when my own distracting thoughts are halted by a word of “LOOK!” I’ve been warned when not to walk down a certain flight of stairs or when I needed to attend to my child who was about to get hurt. Some will say it’s coincidence but the difference is in the urging of the communication. It’s an energy that I feel and not just a hunch.

Heck, I often laugh and say that my parking angel has come along with me and find it nearly amazing when I always find a spot right where I need it. She’s faithful, that angel, that’s for sure!

I believe that our angels are not just guardians. They serve as guides, encouragers, healers, comforters, and so much more. In the near future I plan to paint some of the angels that I sense around me and others. I look forward to them revealing themselves to me. Perhaps I’ll paint your angel for you!

Do you know your angels? May they continue to conspire on your behalf and may you be blessed!