Tag Archive | heart

Wisdom of the heart …

It isn’t the wisdom of our minds that draws people closer … it is the wisdom of our hearts.

You see, mental wisdom can be gained completely without connection – we can attain it through books and research. Facts, figures, and data are good and useful things. It helps us to understand, build, and develop the outer world around us. It is the knowledge of things.

However, the wisdom of the heart can only be attained by drawing near to each other. It takes connection and willingness to receive of the insights of another soul. It is the stuff that holds life, and lives together on this journey through time and space. We are not here by happenstance. We are here with a purpose, connected in proximity and timing to particular souls for a reason. Connecting on the level of our heart wisdom allows us to glimpse into that purpose. We see the value and gifts of another and how they intertwine and compliment our own. Connecting through heart wisdom actually changes the world within – it expands and evolves  life. It creates divine connections. It creates inner change. It grows and fosters love, which is the true essence of who we are. It is heart wisdom that energetically shifts the world because it is the knowledge of the soul. It is this wisdom that I cherish.

Share your heart’s wisdom and be blessed!

Invitation of the Soul – an original poem


With giddy anticipation building, I quietly prepare my journey.heart-and-soul-jan-camerone

Gathering all I need, I step into the space, sacred but not silent.

Simplicity itself creates an opening where laughter can coax up imagination.

Connections exploding like popcorn around the room from one heart to another.

Voices ebbing and flowing as energy swirls and twirls and dwindles into reflection.

Searching being half the fun and vision the remaining, I feel a  kiss of friendship.

Sharing, holding back, wiping a tear unidentified as joy or sorrow.

There in this space exists no pressure to perform.

No should, no ought, no obligation, only a calling forth of  the soul.

Song and silence both opening the heart for recognition.

In community lies safety to expose the soul to those longing to see it.

Wandering to and fro with laughter and dancing spontaneously bubbling forth.

I stand face to face and recognize a picture into my very essence, claiming it as my own.

At the closing moment, with reverence and honor I look into the eyes of others.

I see a bit of me, in divine glory, looking back.

So the angels dance, twirling the energy of the moment in glorifying release.


Awaiting the final chime of bell to close the celebration.

With more love, more insight, and more of me, I retreat to solitary reflection.

Heart complete and full until the next time I am beckoned forth by an invitation of the soul.

~ Barbara Bernard Miller

Love and Love Again

I am constantly reminded of the resilience of the human heart. People often remark about the ability of young children to recover and bounce back so quickly. But I am also aware of how well adult hearts do the same thing. We may not notice it as readily because we analyze and feel hurts so deeply. Not that children don’t but adults understand the big picture and the impact, consequence, and permanence of deaths, break-ups, and losses at a level children do not.

I also see the progress forward in deep and meaningful ways in the hearts of adults. I am in awe at the ability of our spirit to learn from what has caused us pain and to adjust accordingly. And even in the midst of pain we can keep moving. I have seen many a heart broken only to watch that same person allow themselves to love again within a relatively short time. I have watched while tragedy strikes and loved ones pass to the next life. And despite the pain and mourning, the survivors move day-by-day into healing. They will never be able to forget those loved ones and no-one thinks they should. However, they are able to let other joys come back into their lives, a little at a time.

I know that pain is a portion of this earthly life. And life does, without fail, keep moving. The heartaches mold our sensitivity and compassion. The losses teach us our vulnerability and our boundaries. But through it all and in spite of it all, we rebound and learn to love, play, and live again, resiliently.

It is an amazing creation, this human heart. Love and love again, and be blessed!

Walk of Faith

I come from a family (both natural and adopted) of people who are artistic. It is a God-given talent that some have used and others let lay dormant. I have some talent in this area that frankly, until now has been untapped and uncultivated, at least from a traditional drawing or painting perspective.  I am starting to hear the call to experiment and learn. Art is such a personal thing that I often wonder if what my eyes see and my hands create could ever capture the heart of another. Perhaps that’s not really the point of art, but it certainly is a desire.

Recently, however, I was pleased to see a TV show with artist Thomas Kinkade as guest. I have long been a fan of  the “painter of light.”  I have enjoyed the story of his meager beginnings and read the books he wrote wherein he paints his picture with words. He is not boastful as a famous painter might be. His persona is very down to earth. In his own words he is inspired by nature and the call of quietude. He certainly and deliberately infuses his faith into his works. He’s known to personalize his paintings by hiding the initials of his wife or child somewhere in his work as a way to honor them. In this show, I saw for the first time a new work he’s done. This man’s art really knows how to touch my heart, and I know by his fame and collectibility, that I am not alone in this.

This new work is entitled “Walk of Faith” and it depicts a lush garden (for which he is also famous) with two men walking side-by-side in conversation. One of the men is Jesus and in this painting it seems so natural for the two to be entwined in the conversation of friendship.  That picture captures what is in my mind and heart as I daydream of a heavenly “walk” with Jesus. It’s beautiful!

So I share this painting with you in the hopes it brings you comfort and peace as well. Be blessed!, I share the picture with you in hopes that it brings you a measure of comfort and joy as well. Be blessed!