Archive | November 2013

Thankful and spreading blessings ….

It’s the day after Thanksgiving here in the US and I’m still basking in the feelings of gratitude. It’s my favorite place to be – in a place a thankfulness.

So one question today … Because we are blessed, I believe we should all spread the blessings. How do you plan to bless someone today?


Traveling Times

I’ve been traveling, traveling, traveling for business and enjoying my time and connection with others from many other countries. I am blessed to have a job that occasionally takes me to sites around the world. This time it’s western Europe and the area of some of my ancestors. I found myself in a surreal state at times – feeling and even smelling the history and energy of the area. Sightseeing and taking in the culture on my days off. In some ways, feeling like I was returning home to a land I don’t remember, and in other ways, walking around with wide-eyed wonder at sites and scenes I’ve only read about.

I will be home soon and planning to get back into a rhythm of my writing. I hope I’ve not lost my readers in my absence.

Until then, share with me what is your favorite travel story …. and be blessed!Image