Archive | December 2013

Fickle emotions of New Year’s Eve

Emotions are fickle – have you ever noticed? I live my life as an upbeat, positive person looking at the silver linings and expecting the best from life and those who are in it. It somehow surprises me when the disappointments come … and yet on the other hand, maybe not. I’ve spent many hours and years working to improve myself and my relationship with this thing called life. I know more than I think, I understand a lot about myself and hope to know what I need about others – at least I’m always learning. And, I’m acutely aware that it’s all an illusion. And yet, I still find myself waking up on days like today feeling melancholy. The voids in my life seem to be deeper and wider – more pronounced for some reason.

There is fun to be had for sure – for goodness sake it’s New Year’s Eve! This past year, 2013, has been a gloriously blessed year for me. I celebrated my 50th birthday with the love of family and friends giving back to community. I have met new friends, added a daughter-in-law to my family, traveled to parts of the world I have only always dreamed of. It has been a fabulous time. There have been heartaches, mostly in the form of soul friends crossing to the next adventure before me. I know I’ll see them again so I celebrate the gift they have been in my life.

There’s just something kind of sad about this day of crossing over. It’s not fear, it’s not worry, it’s just a silly, fickle emotion. I will sit with it for a brief time to try to discern the lesson in it. I will not wallow – sadness just isn’t a very good friend.

And then I will shake off this melancholy visitor to get back to my celebratory self. I will don a goofy hat and tweet the kazoo of a New Year party favor as I ring in the new year with friends and family. For tomorrow I know the sun shines on the dawn of a new year. There is no magic in the change from one day to the next … simply a choice to start afresh. Set new goals. Begin new adventures. Love more. Be more. Create more.

No matter what emotion is visiting you today – I wish you blessings of the mind, heart, and spirit for 2014. Happy New Year!! See you on the other side!



Do you know what you want???

As we wrap up 2013 and give thanks for all the blessings we’ve received, it is also time to dream up our next year’s reality. Do you have a dream that won’t shake you? Listen to Tyler Perry’s inspirational message …. and be blessed!

A Special, Precious Moment … with Love

Jesus-Mary-Joseph-manger-sceneWe live all year for these moments – these special Christmas moments. Whether in the hearts of children looking forward to Christmas plays, cookies, and visits from Santa to load the tree and stockings. Or whether in the hearts of compassionate adults looking forward to time with family and friends, special songs, and thoughtful giving to those who are less fortunate. These longings, traditions, and special celebrations are what we measure a year by sometimes. The waiting makes them both fleeting and precious. Sharing a smile and a surprise is the fun part. We spend time in labors of love by baking, shopping, wrapping, decorating, and random acts of kindness.

All this joy, and yet it is not enough.

Because Christmas, while it is celebrated in these and many other ways, is not complete until we reflect on the TRUTH. Take a moment or two as you hustle and bustle about your day to remember why we even have this holiday at all. That tiny baby, born so long ago with one purpose – to redeem and save the souls of mankind. With reverence for the season, I share with you 2 great songs – from a parent’s perspective.

In the Christmas Mood

I’m watching my favorite movie of all time tonight: It’s a Wonderful Life starring Jimmy Stewart. I watch it every Christmas, and usually once in the summer just because I love the story. Here’s a clip from the movie and pictures of other things that just keep me in the Christmas spirit.

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Nelson Mandela Tribute

I have spent the last several days thinking about Nelson Mandela and what he meant to the world. He was a beacon of peace, love, and light as he stepped away from his life in prison into a life of forgiveness and transformation. I’ve seen quotes and posted them. I’ve read stories and been touched. Today, I saw this tribute from a flashmob at a store in South Africa and I knew that this song tribute said all that I could not find the words for. And so I share this tribute and wish peace, love and forgiveness to this world he leaves behind.

Be blessed!




Today as I look at my snow-covered world I ponder on the beauty. And what occurs to me is that everything, the all-oneness of the universe, is in a single snowflake. I am mesmerized that the Creator of the universe, the Creator who brought you and me into existence, so loves uniqueness that he even creates every snowflake to stand as a perfect, totally new object of beauty. I stand in awe …


What If???


What if that one story you’ve believed about yourself for years, which limits your potential, was just something you misheard!? What is the new, positive story that you can re-tell yourself, and believe in about yourself, that will propel you toward your greatest, highest potential? Speak it loud and proud and watch your circumstances change.

Be blessed!

Consciousness of Connection


I’ve been doing much thinking and reading about human consciousness lately. My awareness is expanding as is my intuitive understanding. I find myself doing less “longing” to connect and realizing more and more that we already are connected. We are connected by heart, by thought, by trends, by beliefs, by experience, and by design.

It is in connecting to others that we find our unique gifts and blessings meant to share. It is in seeing what others bring to the game of life that I become more and more aware of how I can help them, and they in turn help me. It may seem that we are all walking around with our own existence, and as some say, starring in our own life movie. But in reality, it’s just one movie. We share some scenes. We share the spotlight but it’s all meant to bring each and every one of us closer together. And … closer to Divinity – by whatever name you use to define God.

I invite you to share your gifts more freely. Show the world the mighty gift you carry inside your heart. I invite you to partake more fully in the exchange of energy and love. I cheer you on as you change your corner of the world and acknowledge that you also change my corner of the world, because together we make a difference to each other.

Blessing and love to you my fellow wanderers!
