Tag Archive | create

The Quiet Roar – original poem

2013-09-30 22.52.40

                       THE QUIET ROAR

Inside every opportunity is the chance to trip and fall

     upon our fears and indecisive groaning.

We begin with hope brimming from the sparkle of that

     which we covet to achieve.

We set our course and brace ourselves for 

     work, wish, and wonder.

Alas the day comes when a mountain appears before our eyes,

     looming ever bigger than we imagined.

It is not our reality but our paradigm of self disbelief

     wanting to cast a daunting shadow upon that fanciful dream.

That is the day we come to know just how deep our desire is planted,

     how well watered and cared for it might be.

We whisper to ourselves the secret question we dare not admit,

     which queries whether we are “enough.”

Indeed, we quake at the thought that we have not enough of

     something vital for the journey.

Have we stepped too far and gone past the brink

     of all that we know we can do, be, and have?

Pause … and stand in the stillness of the fear for but a time and listen

     for that even smaller voice inside our soul.

The one that knows the mighty truth of our unique

     and everlasting spirit.

“I am” I hear in the quietest voice buried

     deep inside my heart.

Again it squeaks, and stronger still until it turns into

     a deep and quiet roar.

“I AM” I speak, with growing confidence, all that

     I imagine that I can be.

And with that spoken declaration comes the brilliant truth

     at long last tumbling through my core.

It is not fear that will determine if I have what

     I need to carry forth.

It is the choice to hear within the ever knowing 

     truth of my existence.

I am all that I shall need to walk the next step of my path,

     the one that I came to dream of and create.

And fear must, as the laws of life command, slip ever sulkily away

     leaving only truth, and trust to stand.

Fear shall not win as long as I listen to that still small roar

    upon which I choose to follow.

                                  ~ Barbara Bernard Miller


My Manifesto!

I am weary from hearing of the hatred and evil in the world. I don’t want to focus on it, that’s for sure. And I no longer wish to hear the rantings and ravings of madmen. I am not interested in hearing their manifestos of hate. My knowing the depths of the darkness in their souls does nothing to help me conquer its effect on the world.

So … I’ve decided to create my own manifesto. But mine is a Manifesto of Love! It’s really a simple articulation of what I believe and a picture of the world I wish to create into existence. It is neither all-encompassing, nor is it complete. Each day and every circumstance generates new possibilities. Oh, yeah, and I’m not perfect at it yet. But I recognize that the lessons in my life, and the people who I know provide me chances to draw closer and closer.  So, here goes:



1.   Remember who you are. Indeed, you are a spiritual being having a physical experience. It is definitely NOT the other way around.

2.   Remember where you came from. You are created in the image of God and God is 100% LOVE.

3.   Remember what your power is. Your words have the power to create or destroy. Create abundance of love and destroy hate.

4.   Make the world better. You have influence and insights that can make this world better because you are here. You exist in this time and this place with these people because that is your journey. Don’t waste it, degrade it or abuse it.

5.   Lend a hand. Remember, sometimes the other person doesn’t have one, theirs are too full, or they are weary from their load. We travel this journey together so that no-one has to carry the load alone. Oh yeah, that means you should let them help you too.

6.   Encourage others and build them up. You will find yourself lifted to the level that you lift others. Imagine how far we can soar!

7.   Forgive others – every time. Not because they deserve it but because you do. You deserve to not carry that burden, which will decay your joy. And in the end we will be judged against the measure we use for others anyway. So forgive them.

8.   Appreciate the goodness.  Everyone else was also created in the image of God. There is good in all people – even in the darkness there is hidden glory. Look for it! You may be the only one who can help them find it in themselves as well. And that can change them.

9.   Be grateful. Every blessing deserves a “Thank You!” Every lesson holds a chance for a different approach and a brighter tomorrow. Every suffering creates a strength. Be grateful!

10. Listen. Listen with the intensity that you seek to be heard. It’s a gift.

11.  Trust. Trust that God is on your side. Don’t ever think he will abandon you because he won’t! God promised so trust him!

12. Love. It is the only thing that conquers hate, depression, loneliness, distrust, despair or sin. It really is just that simple.

13. Create blessings. There are some blessings that only you can do or be in this world. You are here for a purpose – find it or create it but don’t ignore it.

Join me – with my manifesto of love. There’s so much more that’s possible to add. Or create your own, even better … and be blessed!



SOULS ALIVE – original poem

                                         SOULS ALIVE

Inside of you and inside me is a soul designed to create.

Born to bring to life a piece of what makes us great.

In the dark of our imagination, a flicker of light does grow.

And into the day comes the manifestation of that which makes us glow.

From the second we see it forming in the back of our mind’s eye.

The essence begins to take its shape in a way we can’t deny.

Once it blooms into a form we ought not hide it away.

Because the creation that comes from our best must be given away.

Whether it’s art, or words of wisdom, or whether our gift is love,

We can trace its origins back to source, our creator, God above.

There is no chaos or drift of fate that allows for the act of creation.

For without an artist to think it up, there is no imagination.

You and I are the final product of the great Creator’s hand.

With love, a word, and nothing more, he made us on command.

And now in his image, and with the power of his heritage within.

We must stir up our spirit, and muster our courage to have ourselves begin.

To create the world we long to have, where everyone can thrive.

Is  exactly the reason we have power within to bring our souls alive.

~ Barbara Bernard Miller

Simple Reminder – Please Do

‎”You may not think the world needs you, but it does. For you are unique, like no-one who has been before or who will come after. No one can speak with your voice, say your piece, smile your smile, or shine your light. No one can take your place as it is yours alone to fill. If you are not there to shine your light, who knows how many travellers will lose their way as they pass by your empty space in the darkness.” ~ Your Inner Sparkle

This quote is a simple reminder because I see so many people forgetting their divine nature. They lose sight of their incredible uniqueness as a perfect gift to the world. The world may not recognize it if you are  hiding the brilliance of who you are. Whether you live a simple, modest life or a grand, and spectacular one is of no real matter. It’s the essence of how you live it that matters. Remember, it was a simple boy trained as a carpenter who changed the world forever.

When you can heal a heart, body, or soul – please do.

When you can lend a hand to build an invention, lift someone up, or raise a child – please do.

When you can sing a tune, create an artwork, or write a meaningful word – please do.

When you can feed a loved one, a stranger, the poor, or the masses – please do.

When you can spread a kind word to the discouraged, the failed, or the hard-working – please do.

When you can accept yourself, accept a compliment, accept the differences in those around you – please do.

When you can try again, forgive again, or love again – please do.

For when you do these things you are fulfilling the desires your soul has to be your very best version of yourself. You can live with vigor and grace the life that your spirit has chosen to live. And in all things, know that the Creator who made you wonderfully and uniquely, always loves you.

Be blessed!

Purpose of Life

I was in a conversation today at work with an outside speaker who came to our women’s network event. She was there to speak about achieving peak performance and she had a lot of wonderful information to share. In that conversation we talked about people judging themselves and “beating themselves up.” There’s no upside to that behavior and we all recognize it. That conversation then led to declaring what we think life is about.

Here’s my take –  I believe there are 4 purposes to life:

1) Learn – We have endless opportunities to learn throughout our lives. Whether it is formal training and education or learning how to use our personal power to improve the world. This earthly experience is uniquely designed for us to learn.

2) Teach – When we learn and then turn and teach we pass on the gifts that we have received. That is a wonderful thing. But an even bigger benefit is that we help empower others to do the same. It’s a chain reaction that has the power to change the world.

3) Create – Being created in the image of God includes his power to create as well. As humans, this is what really separates us from the rest of the animal kingdom. We create possibilities with our minds, we create reality with our hands, we create life with our bodies, and we create connections with our words.

4) Love – Giving and receiving true and unconditional love puts us in touch with our divine spirit. It is the ultimate purpose in life. It is our supreme achievement.

What do you think is the purpose of life? Be blessed!

What If – original poem

                                   WHAT IF …

To consider the vast possibilities

          in a sea of unknown moments is

                    a noble act of great courage.

Speak and the unprotected thought is exposed.

         Move and the vulnerability of risk rises.

                    Create and the naked soul is revealed.

Hesitation wastes a precious moment of life

          and leaves nothing to soothe the searching

                   flight of spirit in motion.

And the thoughts keep flowing with

          no knowledge of the end game’s results

                    or the assurance of success.

I am propelled forward out of desire for that which is

           better and kinder and most fulfilling.

I create the future of my life and my world

          on the power of  “what if”.

                                         ~ Barbara Bernard Miller

How do I do that?

You hear a lot these days about living with purpose, following your passion, and creating the life of your dreams. All wonderfully enlightened and lofty phrases. Maybe – but they are also very achievable. Usually though, I quickly hear those statements followed by outcries of “What does that mean?” or “How do I do that?” The pull between desire and lack of practical understanding is creating the struggle.

I don’t have “THE” answer but I can share what I’ve learned on my journey. Primarily, I’ve learned that living with purpose is all-encompassing. It’s not just the big achievements and life-changing things. It’s being purposeful about our attitude, our gratitude and our habits. Start there. And when it is about achievements, I have learned 3 simple, practical steps:

1) CHOOSE – I truly believe that what draws us, attracts us, or what we dream of are all messages from our unconscious mind about the path we should be walking. It makes sense really – I won’t gloriously create that which I don’t find alluring. I know some people find themselves paralyzed into inaction because they are waiting for God to direct them. Ummmm – I think our intuition and desires are that very direction. But that’s just me. So, that’s where I start … what do I feel tugging on my heart? There are some things that are consistent themes throughout my life (connecting with people). And there are others that suddenly appear with great appeal or urging (writing my books). Actually, it was a sudden urge that loosed creativity upon me in my late 20’s and it hasn’t subsided yet. Whenever I feel the tug, I examine it and ultimately, I choose it.
2) DISCOVER – This is the trickier part for me because I find that I am drawn to, and subsequently choose, things that I have no knowledge about or previous exposure to. It figures! And I find myself saying “What the heck do I do with this desire?” And my follow-up response is always the same – research. We are blessed to be in the age of connection and information. At our fingertips, day and night we can search for what, when, where, and how of just about anything. So if the spirit moves me at 3 am when I can’t sleep I can actually do something about it. If I ask enough friends, someone will know something or someone who can help me move to the next level of understanding. The discovery phase can take a while but it’s part of the fun, really. I feel lucky and blessed in this way.
3) ACT – Ah, now we get into the “dangerous” part of truly living with passion!  I have found this to get a little less scary as I practice it, but it’s still a process. You see, if I act, then people will know what I’m up to. Someone might judge me or my worthiness, ability, or skill. While discovery takes curiosity, action takes valor. I’ve had to muster up the courage to call an acquaintance that I didn’t know well, or the friend of a friend of a friend, or email someone I found on the web. None of it was comfortable but all of it was in line with my choice. If I was going to be able to move forward, I had to connect.

That’s it. Nothing spectacularly secretive about my 3 steps or my methods. It doesn’t require me to buy a book, take a class, or learn at the feet of a master. But these steps have worked for me. Do I do everything with passion – no, certainly not. Do I live with purpose, yes, I do. Am I creating the life of my dreams and following my passions – indeed. And I am, in this middle stage of life, finding that the more I follow this path, the more I am surrounded by others who are in support of me. As my friend Martha often says, “The universe cooperates with a made-up mind.” And so it does. I am more grounded, comfortable in my skin, and more motivated to do even more.

If you are struggling with your desire to move forward in life with purpose, passion, or to create your desired life, I invite you to choose, discover, and act as well. And be blessed!

Gotta make something!

I really wanna make something. Ever have one of those days? They seem to creep up on me from time to time.  And today is one of those make something kind of days. I wasn’t always this way …

When I was younger, in my early 20’s life was all about work, career, success, getting ahead, and finding my place in the world. I was a “business professional” and that was that. Then lo and behold my husband got a job out-of-state.  He assured me it was no big thing – just over the border and he’d commute each way. Nothing would change. Oh, but I knew deep inside that this would change everything.

So, after several days of treacherous weather on winding country roads with no lights, he slid dangerously off the road on ice, nearly careening over the edge of a steep hill. Yikes! That was that.  No more commuting and my life as a career woman was about to end. We moved to a little town in the middle of no-where Indiana. There was no work for me there and I suddenly (yet secretly and joyfully) became a stay-at-home mom.

Oh, there were the joys of waking up slowly with my two toddlers.  The slower pace was delicious.  That was the good part. The other part was the solitude of being new in a small town. Alone – no family to pop over. No friends to meet for dinner. Nothing but a 2 and 4 year old with the cutest “kissing” cheeks around. Well, that and plastic toys. Heavy sigh. I was on the slow train to nowhere and the fast track to stir crazy. I was torn in two between absolutely loving the experience of being 100% mom and wondering if I’d ever have another adult conversation. It was slow going to make new friends as we were the only family with young kids in our newly budding neighborhood.

Then one day, one glorious unexpected day, the local hardware store was having a “learn how to faux paint class.” Figuring I had nothing to lose I packed up the kidlings and headed on over. And what to my wondering eyes should appear … a rainbow of paints and some mini-fake walls. The kids finger painted on the bottom of my wall while I learned to twirl, dab, smudge, swish and brush. I was in heaven! The Pandora’s box to my creative self came busting open. Can’t you just see the sunbeams bursting and the “ta-da” music wrapping around me?! No, oh, well, I did.

And ever since then, the creative juices and flair have been unable to be restrained. I learned to paint and did it for all my new friends’ homes. I sought out all manner of creative outlets from basket weaving (don’t laugh!) to cross-stitching. I made home-made gifts and decorations for my home. I became the make it maven of my family.  The secret crafting fairy had sprinkled me with fairy dust and my heart was set free to do arts and crafts and get my kids involved as well.

And that was the beginning of my “gotta make something” days. Oh how I hear the sweet call of my creative siren. I’m going to have to borrow my sweet little niece for some painting or pottery very, very soon!

What about you – what are you making these days?

Power of the Universe

You have within you the greatest power of the universe! Do not kid yourself into believing that the limitations you view of yourself are real. If you gaze only at what you have accomplished in the past, you dishonor your ability to create in the here and now.

If inventors and scientists looked only at what they were able to do yesterday we would have nothing new in this world. It is because they tinker and try and stumble upon happy accidents that they bring new solutions into the world.

If children looked only at what they knew yesterday they would know nothing. It is because they listen and practice and question that they bring revelation to their minds. That revelation grows until they can achieve not just knowledge but also wisdom.

You were created in the image of THE Creator. With that privilege comes the ability to wonder, ponder, imagine and act. God’s spirit in you gives you the power to create too!

What is that one thing that you’ve had sitting in your heart for a long, long time (or even just since yesterday) that seems to spark your curiosity? Do you have “what if” statements that tickle your brain? Do you see a need and believe that it is larger than you, maybe even larger than life? The fact that you see it means you have the seed of possibility to affect it within you. You have the ability to whisper or scream that possibility into life by creating an action. One step toward the “what if”  that can bring it one step closer to reality.

I believe that every human being has the power to change this world. YES – how deliciously wonderful is the prospect! We do it everyday even when we aren’t consciously aware we’re doing it. Your words create change in the realm of what’s possible. Your thoughts create change in the realm of your esteem and desires. Every action ripples through the world because what you say and do is seen by others, which begins the chain of reaction. It brings life to the story of possibility. Every great change or movement in this world was just an idea whispering around in someone’s mind that they didn’t dismiss. This truth is the greatest hope that exists.

I believe in you. God believes in you. What do you believe in?

“Where there is faith … there is hope. Where there is hope … there is possibility. Where there is possibility … there is victory. Never stop believing!” ~ Barbara Bernard Miller

Whatever you want …

“Whatever you wish there was more of, be that.

Whatever you want your relationships and friendships to be, be that.

Whatever you want the world to be, be that.

If you want there to be less fear and more love in the world, start with yourself.

If you want there to be less stress, anxiety, depression and tension in the world, start with yourself.

If you want the world to be a more peaceful place, fairer, more generous and compassionate, start with yourself.” ~ Anthony Robbins