Tag Archive | truth

A Special, Precious Moment … with Love

Jesus-Mary-Joseph-manger-sceneWe live all year for these moments – these special Christmas moments. Whether in the hearts of children looking forward to Christmas plays, cookies, and visits from Santa to load the tree and stockings. Or whether in the hearts of compassionate adults looking forward to time with family and friends, special songs, and thoughtful giving to those who are less fortunate. These longings, traditions, and special celebrations are what we measure a year by sometimes. The waiting makes them both fleeting and precious. Sharing a smile and a surprise is the fun part. We spend time in labors of love by baking, shopping, wrapping, decorating, and random acts of kindness.

All this joy, and yet it is not enough.

Because Christmas, while it is celebrated in these and many other ways, is not complete until we reflect on the TRUTH. Take a moment or two as you hustle and bustle about your day to remember why we even have this holiday at all. That tiny baby, born so long ago with one purpose – to redeem and save the souls of mankind. With reverence for the season, I share with you 2 great songs – from a parent’s perspective.

A Special, Precious Moment …

Jesus-Mary-Joseph-manger-sceneWe live all year for these moments – these special Christmas moments. Whether in the hearts of children looking forward to Christmas plays, cookies, and visits from Santa to load the tree and stockings. Or whether in the hearts of compassionate adults looking forward to time with family and friends, special songs, and thoughtful giving to those who are less fortunate. These longings, traditions, and special celebrations are what we measure a year by sometimes. The waiting makes them both fleeting and precious. Sharing a smile and a surprise is the fun part. We spend time in labors of love by baking, shopping, wrapping, decorating, and random acts of kindness.

All this joy, and yet it is not enough.

Because Christmas, while it is celebrated in these and many other ways, is not complete until we reflect on the TRUTH. Take a moment or two as you hustle and bustle about your day to remember why we even have this holiday at all. That tiny baby, born so long ago with one purpose – to redeem and save the souls of mankind. With reverence for the season, I share with you 2 great songs – from a parent’s perspective.

With all you are and with all you do and believe, I pray that you be blessed. Merry Christmas!



New-found Blessing – original poem


There was a day that changed my soul and it happened with a word.

From fantasy to truth at last, and I felt my spirit turn.

I hadn’t seen you in this light and you caught me by surprise.

With both confession and revelation I was opening my eyes.

It wasn’t fear I felt this time but a subtle recognition.

I saw you for the first time and not the apparition.

I mourned the one I knew before although they were not you.

Suddenly the world felt raw and I wasn’t sure what to do.

Then I felt emotion surge inside my heart again.

It was the truth that stirred my soul and I pray a quiet amen.

This was all I wanted, the story that was real.

And having it made an instant path for my head and heart to heal.

Now day by day and inch by inch I love the truth I see.

Your heart and hurt and hope are growing closer to meet me.

The connection is strong and surprisingly flows with gentle ease.

And I find you on my heart and mind as I pray upon my knees.

The future path is open wide and I see such possibilities.

Let’s sow the seeds we wish to grow with love and gentle peace.

For who you are is a gift from God which I cannot deny.

And I shall quiet my mind for now and cease to question why.

Now it’s time for me to live and stop the constant guessing.

Because this seems to be the time to count my new-found blessing.

~ Barbara Bernard Miller

A lesson in trust

Today I learned a lesson in trust. Not because someone broke my trust but because they didn’t. Sometimes it’s easy to get caught up in my fears. When I look at new situations with the suspicions of the past I have done a disservice to both myself and the person I’m dealing with. They can neither know our pains nor anticipate our buttons.

And what I learned today is that while holding onto my own fear and my own self preservation I didn’t see theirs. I didn’t recognize the signs of their pain. I didn’t  know they had the same lesson in their life. Patience, compassion, and the willingness to take a risk allowed us both to share and see the other side. It wasn’t  easy but it was worth it. And I was able to move from fear to freedom. As the Bible says, “the truth shall set you free.”

I have come a long way in learning lessons from my past. So I choose to acknowledge that and pick up with a new possibility. I choose to look at the future as bright, not as bleak. I choose to leave the person who hurt me behind in exchange for a new slate with someone else. I’m glad I had the lesson today. I’m glad I spoke out and I’m glad I pushed myself to be open. In the end, the lesson I learned in the past has opened me up to the sweetness of trust in my today.

Be open. Be trusting. And be blessed!

Do you see the sparkle?

“When you are strong … you sparkle.”

I don’t know who said that quote but I know it makes me smile. It speaks of the truth. Our inner strength is electric and produces a lightness or shine. Indeed, a sparkle.  Since the eyes are the windows to the soul, that is where the sparkle shows. Do you see the sparkle in eyes or the faces of these people here:

In the face of a hero risking it all

In the performer sharing their gift for the first time

In the eyes of a wounded dreamer unwilling to give up or the father who supported him

In the eyes of a champion who overcame obstacles.

The the face of a child with a new-found accomplishment

In your face when you recognize your own strength

Let us look for the sparkles … and be blessed!

Doubts, Guilt, and Distractions

I was speaking with a friend at work yesterday about our journeys along the path of spiritual growth and our “calling.” Specifically we were talking about the work we are doing as writers. I am a published author working on my second book and she is a budding writer on the way to being published for the first time. Neither of us ever planned on this path but find ourselves drawn to it.

And, as with anyone on the path to their calling, we noticed that the closer we get to achieving our goals the more we have  doubts, guilt, and distractions. First, we have doubt about the worthiness of our stories. Afterall, we’re just ordinary women with ordinary stories. Well, that’s what we tell ourselves but in reality, everything in life that changes your heart, mind, or soul really is a big thing. Isn’t it? Second, we feel guilty for sometimes spending our precious family time on writing, or conversely spending too much time working or playing or whatever instead of concentrating on our writing. And third, there are the distractions. These are the things that creep up in every day life, such as illness, homework, cooking, TV, that next good book, grocery shopping, Facebook, yep, even blogging.

Why is it so hard for us to make progress just when we’ve found the thing we love or feel drawn to accomplish? Some people call that the devil. You know, the closer we get to God and his work, the harder the devil will attack to keep us from it. Others call that our own inner insecurities. All the stories of how we are not enough coming to the foreground of our consciousness to trip us up on the path. I don’t think the label is the important thing. The true important thing is how to get on the other side of doubts, guilt, and distractions in order to keep moving. Are they all really bricks creating a wall or are they just a curtain of illusion?

First things first, we have to recognize all of this as our “story” and not as the “truth” at all. Life is, after all, about living. No one thing gets top billing all the time and that is okay. Letting go instead of clinging to our stories of inferiority and unworthiness is not always easy but it is critical. If we judged ourselves with the same leniency and grace we give to others we might not tell these stories at all.

It was a good conversation in the end. We found ourselves encouraging each other and giving ourselves the much-needed break that is called for. We will continue with our living and writing on a better track for having examined our “problems.”

How about you – what do you do when you find yourself tripped up with doubts, guilt, and distractions?

How Simple Life is …

I read a quote today that is so familiar and yet it stops me every time I read it. I share it here for you and hope it blesses you too.

“When you understand that what most people really, really want is simply to feel good about themselves, and when you realize that with just a few well-chosen words you can help virtually anyone on the planet instantly achieve this, you begin to realize just how simple life is, how powerful you are, and that love is the key.” ~ Mike Dooley

Are you shifting?

There are so many women like me, over 40, going through life changes.  This seems to be the time when we search for any spiritual direction as to who we are and what we are here to accomplish.  We start to wonder if we are having a crisis of identity or a spiritual awakening.  Who we were just a few years ago – wife and mother, just doesn’t exist for us today or in our near future.

Are you in that place?  Are you wondering what God has to say about this spiritual shift in your existence? He is the author of all truth and He lovingly provides revelation and answers.  To see what spiritual message from God is available for you, check out my book, MIGHTY INSPIRATION, Love Letters from God.


Be blessed!
Barbara Bernard Miller