Flipping Switches in My Mind

I wonder what it is that flips a switch in our mind and awareness that something we have long heard, read, or known is now ready for action. The mind is such an intriguing universe.

A few days ago a friend shared a video on YouTube by Hal Elrod called The Miracle Morning. Hal talks about changing your life by changing the morning routine you begin each day with. His story and his words are so inspiring. I posted it and I let the message seep into my consciousness. It wasn’t a new message. I’ve been thinking about shifting how I join up with the world in more positive ways for a very long time. No action was ever taken – just pondering and daydreaming about it. And then of course, rolling over and snoozing a bit longer. lol

And yet, something this day was different. I wish I could understand what was different so I could harness that total “yes-ness” into other areas of my life at will. Haven’t figured that piece out yet. However even without knowing the how, since then, without resistance or pain, I’ve simply begun.

Now I am waking up earlier and infusing my day with positive thoughts, actions, meditation, reading, writing – all the things that make my heart sing. I’m even looking at instituting a bit of exercise into the morning routine. That statement right there is a total mental shift for me.

Perhaps a part of it is that I’m watching other friends create the routines that bring them joy. Perhaps it is my soul calling out to me to step up and continue the other shifts I’ve been making on the mental and emotional planes. Whatever the “secret sauce” is – I am grateful. I am grateful for “finding the time” to be a bit more fully congruent with my desires.

What brave new shifts, routines and habits are you creating? I’d love to hear.

Be blessed!


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