Archive | September 2012

Baby Fun


Yikes – it’s been forever since I wrote on my blog. Nope, haven’t been sick but have been busy. No excuse I suppose but in life we prioritize day-by-day. I miss writing and interacting with my friends and fans here. So I come back today for a lighthearted revelry.

This weekend my middle sister and I hosted a baby shower for my youngest sister. We had a great time between preparing and laughing as we attempted various things from Pinterest. Yes, we successfully made a diaper cake and a melon baby in a watermelon bassinet (see picture). At one point there were 6 hands in that watermelon trying to situate the baby “just right”. Between my mom, sister, and I, we finally got it right. And we were pleased to say that it stayed sweetly intact the entire time. And we laughed – about our own baby showers, the cuteness of the tiny little baby clothes and need for “magic butt cream” (don’t ask – my sister and her husband are pharmacists). Of course, we laughed about the lack of sleep we endured as well. And when Sunday rolled around and the house was impeccably cleaned and decorated with tiny clothes on a clothesline and balloons and tissue puffs all around, we were pleased with the results.

When the mom-to-be arrived she looked so adorable with her little basketball belly and bright eyes. I remember, with just a tiny bit of sentimentality, those days from my own maternity stories. Yep, it’s hard to remember the details, but I remember the emotion – the half nervous, half excited feeling as the baby’s kick got stronger and stronger. I know my sister will be a fabulous mother. She’s an excellent teacher, a wonderfully creative girl, and sweet. Probably the sweetest person I’ve ever met.

And now, we are simply left to wait in anticipation for the bouncing baby girl angel to arrive sometime in mid November. She’ll be here in time for her first Thanksgiving. And won’t we all be blessed!

Enjoy the little angels in your life, and be blessed!