Share the Good Stuff!

Used to be when I opened up my FB account I would brace myself for the barrage of negativity, politics, blame, shame, and drama. I had hundreds of friends, and friends of friends, and acquaintances of friends – oh the list was long. Funny how that seemed like it meant something at one time. Oh how I make myself laugh sometimes. And I tried to keep up with what they said and respond and influence. I wasn’t about pushing all that stuff out but I sure did take it in. And I found that it was hurting my heart to do so. That was several years ago. That was not sustainable (thank goodness!)

Today, when I go to that space of cyber connection I go with a smile. What changed you say? I DID! Once I woke up to the idea that I did not have to see what others see, post what others post, spread what others share, or keep the connections I’d made just because I had them in this pretend world we call the internet … I took back control.  Just like I have in my “real life”. I changed the way I interface with people on the internet. I now eliminate the negative – actively and deliberately.

I have shifted from the position of taking it all in, to now only doing selective, “boutique” shopping on my FB connections. I only go for the high-end, quality stuff now. I decided that if I am going to trade precious moments of my life, I better make it worth trading for. So I go where the joy is – if it makes me smile, feel good, invokes inspiration, calls me to positive action, or uplifts others then I’m in. With that decision, miraculously another universal principle started to creep in – what you seek is what you find. I went searching for positive pages to join or follow. I started paying attention to the energy of the people I connect with and with blessings I let many of them go. I started adding to the mix with my own positive messages of joy, kindness, inspiration and love. I use my book’s FB page – Mighty Inspiration for the sole purpose of sending out positive messages. And I created a group – Gifts of Gratitude with the intention of celebrating with each other that which blesses our lives. I have seen that when we share our blessings, they multiply and spread. Who knows, I may create more in the future. What I do know for sure – it has made all the difference!

I am always open for more positivity and more love to flow into my life.  Do you have a favorite page, link, message of positive connectivity you’d like to share? Share the good stuff and be blessed!


2 thoughts on “Share the Good Stuff!

  1. Barbara, this is beautiful, and I agree with it all. What you are, what you think, what you follow, is what you are and attract more of. So glad that I attracted you, a very bright shining star in my life!

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