Tag Archive | blogging

I have nothing to say …

nothing-to-sayI was saddened yesterday by a casual exchange. I wasn’t sad for me, mind you, but for a “reality” that one of my friends was claiming for herself.

You see, I was chatting with an old friend – catching up and enjoying each other’s company. The subject turned to hobbies and I mentioned my blogging here. While I don’t get to write every day I do come back here as often as I can to read, write, and stir a little positive into the pot of life. Her response to this is what made me sad.

She said, “Oh I could never do that, I have nothing to say.”

Wow. Upon further conversation, I found she actually believed just that.  I’ve heard lot’s of responses – I don’t have time, I’m not a good writer, I don’t like sharing on the internet, etc. All understandable and reasonable. But for someone to live their life, this precious experience on earth, and to truly believe they have “nothing to say”, well it saddens me. I have no expectations that everyone should want to blog or write articles or books or become public speakers. Nor do I expect people to scream their truth upon the mountain top or into the world wide web. But there is something for her to say … to friends, family, loved ones. There is wisdom in her living that is best  utilized in its sharing.

The truth is – I would love to hear anything she has to say. She has deep faith, she has admirable accomplishments, she has experiences in business and in community volunteering. She has children she’s raised and ideas she’s brought to fruition. But what she doesn’t have is confidence. She lacks the understanding that SHE has importance and what SHE says is of interest. But I know that her big and small things have value in their telling. Stories are important – it’s how we communicate values, feelings, progress, ideas, and changes in relationships and so much more. She has SO MUCH to say but she doesn’t put value on it. There lies the root problem that has caused my sadness. This beautiful human being who is loved by many doesn’t see her value and therefore feels she has nothing to say that has value.

silenceOne of my basic tenets of belief, in life and in my experience in the field of Human Resources, is that everyone has a voice and should be encouraged to find it. I will continue to encourage my friend to find and value hers.

Do you know others who believe they have “nothing to say?” How do you encourage them to find their voice?  Hand them the pen, the microphone, the telephone, or simply lend them an ear …. and be blessed!

Advice from bloggers …


Question for my fellow bloggers – what is your best strategy for increasing followers, comments, and interactions? I’m on a quest in service of my Comments for a Cause efforts. Here’s the details: Comments for a Cause

Thanks and be blessed!

Dating by Blog?

ImageQuestion of the day:  In these days of virtual connections – do you know anyone who has met their spouse by way of blogging? I hear of all the dating sites, and social networking connections but I never hear of people dating someone they met while blogging. If you know of someone, do tell!

Kreativ Blogger Award!!

I opened my blog today to find a delightful surprise!


Ann from Channel Comfort has nominated me for the Kreativ Blogger Award! I’m thrilled and honored that my writing has inspired a fellow blogger to recognize me. And I am humbled! THANK YOU Ann. I love your blog as well and hope my readers will come take a look!

Rules of Acceptance:

1. Thank the blogger who presented you with the award.

2. Post a photo of the award.

3. Share ten things about yourself readers don’t know.

4. Choose six people to present this award to.

5. Let the six bloggers know they have been awarded.

So here we go…

Ten things that readers do not know about me:

1. I grew up in an orphanage, was adopted at age 8, and had a brother find me after 25 years of separation. What a blessing!

2.  I took a ride in a hot air balloon on my 40th birthday. It was an exhilarating start to my bucket list! Feels like floating – can’t wait to do it again!

3.  I served on the jury of a capital murder trial when I was 20. SCARY stuff but I learned alot about the law and myself.

4.  I am a certified Myers-Briggs trainer and see personality styles come to life in every conversation I’m in. Love this stuff! Oh, yes, I’m an ENFP.

5.  I graduated with my Bachelor’s degree at the age of 40, having taken classes on nights and weekends over a 20 year span of time. Whew – I swore I’d get out of college before my kids got in – and I did!

6.  I love animal prints, especially leopard as well as blingy things. If you read my blog you’ll know the blingy part from my recent post: Rocks and rings and things that go bling.

7.  I have the cutest little Bichon Frise dog, 3 year old Gracie and she keeps me great company as I transition to empty nest status.

8.  I hosted a foreign exchange student from Norway, named Heidi for a year during my daughter’s Sr. year of high school. It was a great opportunity and I encourage anyone thinking about it to just do it! It’s not all easy or a bed of roses but it’s a fabulous chance to learn about another culture and touch the life of a student abroad.

9.  I’ve always wanted to learn how to fly a plane. It makes me giggle to think about it at my age – I’ll be like Aunt Bea from the Andy Griffith show. It’s on my bucket list too!

10.  I collect angels – both figuratively and for real. I have a puppy pile of them that escort me around in life and I’m honored they help me in so many ways.

Passing on this nomination to the following bloggers who have recently inspired me:







A new year and a new start

Hi friends – both known and new.  Well I’m making the plunge back into writing and blogging. For those who have followed my blog I’ve moved it from blogger to word press to join some precious friends and to get a fresh start.

I’ve been feeling the call to pick up my pen (or pound on my keyboard really) for some time now. I’ve let life and work and scheduling come in the way of this passion. In true form of a new year, I’m letting myself off the hook so I can start afresh.

So … welcome to Mighty Inspiration. It is not only the title of my book but my quest in life.

For those who don’t know me – my name is Barbara Bernard Miller, author of MIGHTY INSPIRATION, Love Letters from God. I am a mother, a daughter, a sister, a Christian, an author and a Purveyor of Positive Change! I believe that we are all miraculous beings of light and love. We have the power to create or destroy with our words, thoughts and deeds. This page is simply my expression of hope for positive change and I invite you to join me by adding your comments, your posts, your pictures and vidoes – whatever message of positivity that you want to share. Together we can change the world, one positive message at a time. Be Inspired & Be blessed!

I’m Back ….

Wow, it’s been a long time since I wrote on this blog and it amazes me just how long it’s been. Life has thrown a few curves my way, as happens with us all. So, as we start the new year I am renewing my efforts to communicate and concentrate on my “ministry” of inspiration, encouragement and change.

I’ll be online again soon. In the meantime – I’m praying for you so please pray for me. And be blessed!

I was guest blogging …

I was a guestblogger for Paula Phillips and she did a great review of my book. Follow this link and scroll down a wee bit to check it out: http://ping.fm/57wxaBe blessed!