Tag Archive | Creator


Today as I look at my snow-covered world I ponder on the beauty. And what occurs to me is that everything, the all-oneness of the universe, is in a single snowflake. I am mesmerized that the Creator of the universe, the Creator who brought you and me into existence, so loves uniqueness that he even creates every snowflake to stand as a perfect, totally new object of beauty. I stand in awe …


Praying …

I believe that we are spiritual beings having a physical experience. Because I believe that, I am often able to step back and look for the spiritual lessons that life is presenting me. Not always in the moment, but usually sooner rather than later.

And that is where I stand today – wondering what lesson is showing up right now. I am infinitely aware that I am hearing of so very many people around me and connected to me in some way, even if only by a once-removed relationship, who are gravely ill or dying. The pace and quantity seem to be picking up at a severe rate. So does the pace of evil in the world. I’m sure this isn’t just happening to me, but I am ever so aware.

I vow that I will not let my mind wander and conjure up scary or silly scenarios. I will not allow superstition to cloud my view. I have faith in an all loving Creator and I will look to him to calm my trepidation. And I will pray. I pray for my friends who are battling cancer, and strange afflictions. I pray for those I know who have fallen to accidents. I pray for those I know who are facing the horrors of battle and war.

And I will pray for peace – the peace that surpasses all understanding. I invite you to pray with me and be blessed!

“For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.”

~ Matthew 18:20

Simple Reminder – Please Do

‎”You may not think the world needs you, but it does. For you are unique, like no-one who has been before or who will come after. No one can speak with your voice, say your piece, smile your smile, or shine your light. No one can take your place as it is yours alone to fill. If you are not there to shine your light, who knows how many travellers will lose their way as they pass by your empty space in the darkness.” ~ Your Inner Sparkle

This quote is a simple reminder because I see so many people forgetting their divine nature. They lose sight of their incredible uniqueness as a perfect gift to the world. The world may not recognize it if you are  hiding the brilliance of who you are. Whether you live a simple, modest life or a grand, and spectacular one is of no real matter. It’s the essence of how you live it that matters. Remember, it was a simple boy trained as a carpenter who changed the world forever.

When you can heal a heart, body, or soul – please do.

When you can lend a hand to build an invention, lift someone up, or raise a child – please do.

When you can sing a tune, create an artwork, or write a meaningful word – please do.

When you can feed a loved one, a stranger, the poor, or the masses – please do.

When you can spread a kind word to the discouraged, the failed, or the hard-working – please do.

When you can accept yourself, accept a compliment, accept the differences in those around you – please do.

When you can try again, forgive again, or love again – please do.

For when you do these things you are fulfilling the desires your soul has to be your very best version of yourself. You can live with vigor and grace the life that your spirit has chosen to live. And in all things, know that the Creator who made you wonderfully and uniquely, always loves you.

Be blessed!

Power of the Universe

You have within you the greatest power of the universe! Do not kid yourself into believing that the limitations you view of yourself are real. If you gaze only at what you have accomplished in the past, you dishonor your ability to create in the here and now.

If inventors and scientists looked only at what they were able to do yesterday we would have nothing new in this world. It is because they tinker and try and stumble upon happy accidents that they bring new solutions into the world.

If children looked only at what they knew yesterday they would know nothing. It is because they listen and practice and question that they bring revelation to their minds. That revelation grows until they can achieve not just knowledge but also wisdom.

You were created in the image of THE Creator. With that privilege comes the ability to wonder, ponder, imagine and act. God’s spirit in you gives you the power to create too!

What is that one thing that you’ve had sitting in your heart for a long, long time (or even just since yesterday) that seems to spark your curiosity? Do you have “what if” statements that tickle your brain? Do you see a need and believe that it is larger than you, maybe even larger than life? The fact that you see it means you have the seed of possibility to affect it within you. You have the ability to whisper or scream that possibility into life by creating an action. One step toward the “what if”  that can bring it one step closer to reality.

I believe that every human being has the power to change this world. YES – how deliciously wonderful is the prospect! We do it everyday even when we aren’t consciously aware we’re doing it. Your words create change in the realm of what’s possible. Your thoughts create change in the realm of your esteem and desires. Every action ripples through the world because what you say and do is seen by others, which begins the chain of reaction. It brings life to the story of possibility. Every great change or movement in this world was just an idea whispering around in someone’s mind that they didn’t dismiss. This truth is the greatest hope that exists.

I believe in you. God believes in you. What do you believe in?

“Where there is faith … there is hope. Where there is hope … there is possibility. Where there is possibility … there is victory. Never stop believing!” ~ Barbara Bernard Miller

Remember Who You Are

Do you ever sometimes forget who you are? Not your name. Not your family. But your faith – do you forget that you are chosen because God created you and He loves you? Sometimes I think it is so easy to forget just who we are.

I think about this as I approach problems and questions. Sometimes I get so wrapped up in seeing the problem that I forget the next step – looking for the solutions. If we always stay stuck in that space of identifying, naming, categorizing, analyzing, giving name to our problems it becomes bigger and stronger in our mind. Take for instance finances. I used to think so much about what the next bill is, when it’s due, how much or little I have in the bank to cover it, etc. I never actually moved passed the stage of being in awe of the size of the problem. I never actually remembered that who I am is a child of God. I have the protection of the Creator of the Universe behind me. I have the creative power that He rendered to me at birth, in His likeness. I just need to look for opportunities to use it!

Sometimes the solution is in renaming and reclaiming my power. Be it over destructive habits (in this example, spending or not saving). I sometimes forget that this life is about creating and about possibilities. The possibility to see things from a different angle. The possibility to count my blessings instead of my sorrows. Yes, it’s a lofty ideal if it’s just that – an ideal. But when I put it into practice – when I really and truly look for and count my blessings, big and small, it overwhelms me how truly loved I am. All problems seem to regain their proper perspective and new ideas and new solutions come into my consciousness. Not because the problem went away but because I remembered who I am and who my source is. There is nothing that can overcome me if I have my eyes, my heart, and my gratitude on the Lord.

So, friends – remember who you are and look for the grand possibilities that exist in this world to overcome.

Be blessed!