Archive | January 2014

I AM – an original poem


Sitting in silence I look, I wait.

I do not hear the rustle of movement but I feel you move.

I stand flush with excitement as I know you are near.

Hearing your whisper, my spirit sinks into your comforting embrace.

With Spirit surrounding my mind there is peace.

I press my heart closer to heaven

To hear you words more clearly.

I am swept away with soul listening.

Mesmerized by the timber of your voice.

I speak not just to you, but with you.



I am.

~ Barbara Bernard Miller


Grateful …. for YOU!

You know, when I started this blogging page some years ago I did so with this blind dream of being connected to people all over the world. I wanted to write brilliant things that are both an encouragement and an inspiration. 

Along the way I’ve found that some things I’ve expected have come true – I knew that there would be times that the spirit would move me and my words and ideas would just simply flow upon the page. Glad that has been true – not always, but mostly.

I really thought that I would be here writing several times a week. The ebbs and flows of life have at times tripped me up on this goal. But it’s okay because the life I am leading is worth skipping a time or two of expression in order to live it fully. 

I’ve imagined having meaningful conversations back and forth with my readers – and I’ve had some comments but surprisingly, not as many as I imagined. And I’ve come to have peace with that. When you are moved to interact, know that I find it a blessing. And when you are not, know that I find your visits to be a blessing.

But what has truly astounded me is that truly, there are people from every corner of the world who come to this page and soak in the poetry, the thoughts and pondering of my heart. I am grateful for your visits. I am encouraged to continue to share my voice in the world. I hope that through time, this will grow, the conversations will occur. And above all things …. I hope my insights and the parts of my soul that come out to play in this forum somehow bring you the smiles that you have always brought to me.

Stop back and be blessed!

~ Barb


Earth Angel

20a899923d92604ee732fcd057b6af8aTo those who know me, seeing me talk or write about angels isn’t at all unusual. They flock around me (and you) and I recognize their touch, their voice, and their inspiration.

Today I have to share a video that really touched me about an earth-bound angel, Woody Davis. It’s worth watching … trust me. And my favorite line is:

“Even angels like to know they’ve made a difference.”

Watch and be blessed!

Angels Among Us

It’s been many years since I heard the song, “Angels Among Us” by Alabama, for the very first time. I remember it touching my heart then … and it still touches my heart today. I believe in the love and support that the Angels give us. They are our ever-present helpers. They guide, protect, and nudge us in the direction that is in our highest good. I am blessed by their messages and their love each day.

I also believe that we can act as human, earthly angels for each other. Here’s the song so you can enjoy it as well.

Be blessed.

Do you have a happiness setpoint?

I read some information today on a coaching website I’m a member of that really shifted my thinking. So often it seems people have a happiness set-point. You know what I mean – they have predictable patterns of happiness throughout their life…  Here’s a few examples:

panic1) The “Down & Out” crowd – Life’s troubles seem to follow them around no matter where they go. One crisis is overcome or averted and the next one is right around the corner. They live their lives in constant panic and stir up panic and drama for others as well. You might describe these folks as the ones being led around by the tail. They aren’t in control of their circumstances and don’t appear to be in control of their happiness.

grumpy2) The “Bah-humbugs” – These folks are hard to please, rarely smile, and life appears to be a bit of a nuisance. The glass is almost always half-empty or down-right bone dry.  These folks tend to have a pessimistic viewpoint on life and definitely bring people around them down. Complaining is their favorite thing to do. They scowl, and really don’t enjoy being around anyone or anything that seems to bring out much joy.

download (1)3) The Middle-of-the-Roaders – Lots of folks find themselves in this place – not much excites them or truly upsets them. Oh sure, they have the big moments – a wedding or a birth that is happy but their emotions don’t seem to match or if they do, it’s kind of brief . Nothing seems to be terribly noteworthy. Life is full of routine. Even their celebrations are routine. Problems are mostly manageable and life is flat, as is their energy level.


4) The Ping-Pongers – Whew, this crowd can wear you out from bouncing around to every emotion – really high to really low. I’m not talking about the clinically bipolar – these are folks that just seem to be whipped around by extremes. Wow their enthusiasm is contagious when life is good. But the lows can bounce them around at whiplash speed. Their energy is highly unpredictable and it might be hard to keep up with which kind of day it’s going to be. Heck, it might be 5 different kinds of day all wrapped into one. As a matter of fact, their happiness set-point appears to be stuck on spinning.

happy5) The Happy-Go-Lucky – These folks seem to have figured out how to be happy most of the time. They tend to be optimistic, seeking the silver lining whenever possible. It’s not that life doesn’t have it’s challenges, they just have found a way to stay happy in spite of it all. They find something to be joyful about in every day. They can draw you in and it just feels good to be around them.

Did you see yourself in any of these descriptions? While you might find you aren’t exactly like any of them 100% of the time, there definitely seems to be trends in life. It shows up in our outlooks, demeanor, and energy. It appears that perhaps people really do have a happiness set-point, like a magnet it pulls them back time and time again to the same spot.

BUT … what if it’s only how you think about the concept of happiness. If a person no longer thinks about happiness as a destination – it’s not the place you’ll end up, but it’s the mode of transportation no matter where you go. It can be a choice in attitude. What if you considered … are you WILLING to be happy consistently? It would take a bit of pondering to look at your habits, your beliefs – both those that serve and those that limit. What if happiness isn’t what happens to your life, but who you are as you are living your life. Isn’t life way more fun when we choose how to live it?

What if  …

Consider who you are being on this happy trail of life. Be happy, and be blessed!

What is your dream?

ImageToday we remember Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., a giant among men who dared to dream of a day when we treat all men (and women) as equal. A day when we step up to our divine nature and honor inside every person the soul which has come to journey with us in this space and time experience. He was a hero because he took action and spoke words that were aligned with lifting people up. And he changed our world.

Knowing that the same Divine nature of God that spoke through Dr. King is alive and stirring in you, what is your dream? How do you wish to make this world a better place?

As for me … I dream that every person recognize their divine nature and spiritual gifts. I dream that we look the deception of fear in the face and squarely claim our personal power. I dream that every soul finds their voice so that we all may “step up” in this world to bring heaven closer. It’s as simple as relearning to use the phrase “I am …” to claim all that is good and powerful instead of using that powerful phrase to claim weakness, victim-hood, or despair. That is my dream. Spread the love!

Will you share yours? Be blessed!

Gifts of Gratitude – an invitation

ImageI’ve been in the practice of starting my day and ending my day with gratitude. It’s a simple practice … one that helps me to start with an upbeat, positive note, as well as drift into dreamland with thoughts of blessings. Because I believe that the world needs more and more examples of both the big and little things that bring us joy, I’ve created a new FB page called: GIFTS of GRATITUDE. It’s a place for us to simply share and celebrate that which we are grateful for. No selling. No politics or religion. No criticism or drama. Simply gratitude. Feel free to check it out and join!

With gratefulness for all who read my blog … may be count our blessings together!


Just Be …

“In the darkness … be the light.

               In the silence … be the song.

                              In the chaos … be the calm.

You have what the world needs.”

~ Barbara Bernard Miller


Open Letter to Dr. Wayne Dyer

Dear Dr. Wayne Dyer,

Today in my mind’s eye, I have seen with crystal clarity the look in your eye – the recognition and the remembering. I know. And I share this with you so that you too may know.

You have heard the praises of many from every corner of the world. You have inspired noblemen and housewives. You have lit the path of poor, lonely, and mighty masters of this universe. You are a blessing and I am grateful for the path that led your words into my life. In reading and listening to your wisdom I have come to recognize that which I have created – both my misery and my victory. And I recognize that in the words of God and the wise sages of time, everything that needs to be known has been spoken before. In time before time we crafted these lives, these bodies, and this path. We devised a purpose that would bring ourselves and others closer to Divinity. And we are living that purpose today. You in your corner of the universe, and me in mine.

As I look into my future through the eyes of my desires, imagination, and creation I see myself standing next to you. We meet, friend to friend and soul to soul. In that moment in time we shall pass wisdom and knowledge back and forth from all that we know and all that we wish to learn. And once again, we shall know that our paths have crossed before. And I will look again into your eyes and see communion with God.

I know not when. I know not how. But I know … we shall speak again. Until then, be blessed my friend and mentor. Namaste.




2014 – 3 words to live by

I love when inspiration bounces around from one person to the next. It’s how the world changes really. Today I got just that.  My fellow blogger, Beth Ann shared her 2014 theme song and 3 words for the year. You can see her blog here: Beth Ann Chiles

And she was inspired by Chris Brogan and his words for the year. Here’s his blog: Chris Brogan

Based on what I’ve read from the two of them, I’m adding my 3 words to my already uplifting 2014 theme song of “Happy” that I posted yesterday.  My words:

(in God’s promises, my gifts, my dreams, my possibilities, my success, my intuition, my heart …)

EXPAND (my reach, my mind, my influence, my knowledge, my offerings, my vision …)

ENJOY (the here and now, my path, my relationships, my special moments, the journey, myself …)

What 3 words and song inspire you my friends? Do tell … and be blessed!