Archive | April 2012

Shifting – original poem


The winds of change are sweeping unceasingly upon us.

Never guessing where the next shift will be, we are on guard.

Always with eyes in front and behind, we fidget with suspicion.

Relief coming in fitful bouts of sleep or distraction.

This pace is a frenzy that we are unable to sustain.

Collective discomfort is showing its wear and strain.

So, in contrast, I breathe.

In and out with a rhythm dictated by my attention.

With each movement of air a little more tension dissolves.

In open surrender I flow within this state of change.

Worry is useless and guessing ineffective.

Energy is restored with each mindful choice to let go.

All things fall in place once they are surrendered.

What will be shall manifest itself in due and rightful timing.

I am afloat in my conscious state of releasing.

And peace begins to restore itself around me.

My mind may wander but my spirit is at rest once more.

Shifting through change, from chaos to calm.

~ Barbara Bernard Miller

Angelic Voices

I can’t decide if this youngest generation has so many more angelic voices or if we just have the means to hear of them now. And sometimes out of dark and bleak circumstances their light crashes through the tough exterior of life to shine with incredible clarity. Their gift and their stories are  inspirational – and their talent transcends language and culture. I am astounded, in awe, and blessed in the hearing of their gift. If you know of others, I’d love for you to share their link.

So worth the time to invest in listening. Be blessed!

Jotta A: 

Christopher Duffley: 

Jackie Evancho

Liam McNally: 

Sung Bong Choi

Connie Talbot

Athene Creese: 

Rhema Marvanne

Anna Graceman: 


Gray Days

Gray days are rarely anyone’s favorite. But to me, well I just don’t mind them. The thunder and lightning that crashed on the scene this morning have passed on. It was intense but short-lived. The spring rains that are lingering will bring lushness to the already blooming and growing flowers and bushes. It will also help anchor my newly planted dogwood tree and these are all good things.

Now it’s a little chilly, the skies are grey, and the air is drippy. By contrast, home feels extra cozy. I’ve lit a few candles to infuse the air with both a light floral scent to bring spring inside, as well as a soft glow to soften the darkness in the air. Sitting on the couch watching fluffy puppy lounge on the faux fur blanket lends an atmosphere of comfy quietude. There’s nowhere I have to be. There’s nothing that must be done today. I can putz around as I choose with no deadline and no pressure. Now that my kids are grown and off running here and there with their own jobs and interests, the days are now my own.

These are the type of days that allow my day dreams to shine a little brighter. I feel no guilt for just sitting here at the computer and catching up on blogs and Facebook postings. I can shop by internet and just admire the pretty things, neither wasting gas nor actually spending money. I have time to take a walk down memory lane and enjoy the thoughts of my friends and loved ones. I can peacefully meditate and pray with no sense of hurry. I can send love and peace to all that cross my mind. To me, gray days are slow days. They can provide a powerful positive effect sometimes, when we look for what it allows us to do just by slowing down. The slower pace is a much-needed respite in the hustle and bustle of life. I am liking this gray day.

What’s your favorite thing to do on gray days?

Be blessed!


Did you know that you are, in actual fact, “enough”? So often I hear people say:

I’m not pretty enough.

I’m not smart enough.

I’m not rich enough.

I’m not creative enough.

I’m not ___________ enough.

These are just the stories that someone told us, or maybe just hinted about. And in a weak moment, we believed them. We probably didn’t even verify the validity of their statement. We heard them say it and we simply agreed.

But, in all truth, God made all of us to be more than enough. Where there are differences between ourselves and others it’s because we are comparing our “enough” to someone else’s greatest strength or life circumstances or hard-earned success. How unfair. We would not do this to a friend or loved one. Yet, we do it to ourselves.

We should be comparing ourselves to only ourselves. If you’ve grown in some way or learned something today then today you were in the right place, at the right time, and in the right mindset to end your day a little more of your greatest self.

You see, you are enough and I am enough. We are enough to love and be loved. We are enough to learn and grow. We are enough to connect and share. We are all exactly enough for the life and purpose that we were put on the earth to experience. Be yourself … your glorious, beautiful, “enough” self. Be you and be blessed!

Gift of Grace

Over the years I’ve learned  a lot about people by observing how readily they grant “grace” to others. I surely have learned that there are many times and situations when the greatest gift I could receive is just that – a little grace.

I’m sure I’m not using the term in the same way theologians might. I’m not really referencing God’s saving grace. Nor his Divine grace and love directly, although I believe we have it in us to give because we are part of the Divine.

The grace I’m talking of is about loving someone in their weakest, ugliest, or most unlovable moments. And rather than punishing them … we let it go, on purpose and without malice. It’s about honoring their intention and the person we know them to be, which is good, even if in the moment they were not successful at showing it. That’s the grace I try to give, and I know I need the most.

So to all my friends, family, co-workers, and strangers … I thank you for granting me grace when …

* I forgot to send the birthday or holiday cards on time. I love you, I just got busy and forgot.

* I was in such a hurry that I forgot to look up and missed saying hello. I wasn’t angry or stuck up, just busy.

* I was in such pain I overlooked your need to connect. I could scarcely think of anything outside my pain.

* I got so excited or impassioned that I interrupted you. It’s my extroverted flaw I’ll be working on my whole life.

* I made a mistake and was embarrassed so I didn’t apologize as soon or as well as I should. My heart wanted to do better.

*  I didn’t pause long enough to acknowledge or thank you for your efforts. I truly appreciate you even in the hurried moments that I don’t say it.

* And so many more …

I acknowledge freely that I need grace more often than I want to admit. I need you to love me because you know that I am doing my best, even though in some moments my best isn’t very good. I try to make up for that when my best is shining bright.

I joyously, humbly, and thankfully accept your grace. And I offer you grace in return.  Be blessed!

Musical Interlude

I heard these two songs today and they both gave me pause for very different reasons.


For all the good I think and do … am I doing enough to be his arms, hands, words, feet, love? Are the things I know really what is coming out in the things I do. It was a good pause in my day to inspire me to do more and be more of who I want to be in order to change this world. I may not be able to do all things, but I should do all the things that I can.


This is such a soft, sweet song that allows me to got into a space of worship. Pure gratitude and from that stance all things are in perspective. I am inspired by this video to just remember who it is that I follow because of all He is to me and all He’s done for me. Jesus … I adore you. What a precious acknowledgement.

I share these both with you in the hopes they touch you too. Be blessed!


In just one moment …

Do you ever wonder if you had changed just one moment in your life, who and where you’d be right now? I venture to say it likely wouldn’t be right here. Think about it … it’s like a mental “It’s a Wonderful Life” exercise.

Who would you have said yes to, or no to?

What interview would you have been too late for?

What accident or injury would you have had or avoided?

What ticket would you have gotten or averted?

What hello or good-bye would have gone unsaid?

Who would you have missed meeting upon chance?

What plane, train, taxi, subway, or car would you have not gotten into?

Who would you have not offended?

Who would you have not loved?

What would you have been too late for?

What glance or wink would you have missed?

What kiss would you have not shared?

What rainbow would have disappeared from your view?

And with all those “misses” – what might you have experienced instead?

And now that you have taken a moment to think about and acknowledge these things that you potentially could have lost from life … celebrate with joy and gratitude all that you actually had. The good and the bad led you to other moments of choice that in the end, are the jewels in your crown and the glimmering threads of your tapestry.

Let us always remember that every breath is a gift. Every glance, encounter, and word has a brief but lasting purpose.

Let us be grateful for who we are and where we are … and be blessed!

SOULS ALIVE – original poem

                                         SOULS ALIVE

Inside of you and inside me is a soul designed to create.

Born to bring to life a piece of what makes us great.

In the dark of our imagination, a flicker of light does grow.

And into the day comes the manifestation of that which makes us glow.

From the second we see it forming in the back of our mind’s eye.

The essence begins to take its shape in a way we can’t deny.

Once it blooms into a form we ought not hide it away.

Because the creation that comes from our best must be given away.

Whether it’s art, or words of wisdom, or whether our gift is love,

We can trace its origins back to source, our creator, God above.

There is no chaos or drift of fate that allows for the act of creation.

For without an artist to think it up, there is no imagination.

You and I are the final product of the great Creator’s hand.

With love, a word, and nothing more, he made us on command.

And now in his image, and with the power of his heritage within.

We must stir up our spirit, and muster our courage to have ourselves begin.

To create the world we long to have, where everyone can thrive.

Is  exactly the reason we have power within to bring our souls alive.

~ Barbara Bernard Miller

Change is the name of the game!

“What would be the point of living if we didn’t let life change us?” ~ Downton Abbey

Indeed, isn’t that the very point of life in a nutshell. Learning, experiencing, loving, making mistakes, forgiving and being forgiven – it’s all about changing the very essence of who we are because we change what we know and understand. We allow life to flow our soul from one level of innocence into a deeper level of wisdom and understanding.  Life doesn’t just change our physical bodies. The very act of living changes our deepest spirit and our view of who we are and who we are not.

Those changes allow our path to unfold in the direction of our choosing. Every crossroad brings wisdom. Every time we overcome, we grow stronger. Every loss changes our perspective of what is important and what we can and cannot live and even thrive without.

So let us live life to the fullest – out loud, in brilliant color, and with full on passion. May we, with exuberance and anticipation, experience the ups and downs. Let us mindfully and choicefully learn from our failures and successes. Let us grow from the heartaches and the loving. In all ways, may we, with open hearts and open minds, allow life to change us into the best versions of ourselves.

Live and be blessed!

Dream Lesson

I woke up in the middle of a dream and I knew the “lesson” was important. While the scene that was playing was not the relevant part, the topic was. It was about control. It was a lesson about the destruction that is created in the wake of people being controlled. And it was about the healing that happens when we begin to let go and allow the personality, wisdom, light, and purpose of another human being to begin to reveal itself.

We as a society need to start young. But the danger is that we sometimes mistake discipline for control. Discipline is not controlling what children do but rather showing them the boundaries and giving them consequences when they cross a boundary. Discipline is about teaching with love not about “punishing” in anger, although some consequences might include a punishment (i.e. losing a privilege).

But that is a little off track from my dream. The message in the dream is that control and domination always lead to rebellion. Whether it’s the rebellion of a child toward their parents as they grow older and feel controlled; or the rebellion of the masses when the leaders take control. It make take years as it festers in the hearts and imaginations of those repressed, but in the end the rebellion will come.

We sometimes forget this wisdom. As parents we sometimes don’t let loose the control until the child rebels, either verbally or in behavior. We see governments forget that until opposition arises with a coup. Companies forget that until a union goes on strike. Prisons forget that until the population riots. Control ultimately leads to chaos.

So, the vividness of my dream made the lesson crystal clear to me. It brought this already known wisdom to the forefront of my mind. I know not why but I do know that I need on a personal level, on a professional level, and on a social level to keep this awareness sharp. For in the end, we are not on this planet with the purpose of amassing control. We all have a different journey with different purposes and in order to fulfill those we need to slacken the reigns of control. Guidance, teaching, encouragement, resources, and help are all needed. But control is not.

What lessons are you dreaming about these days? Be blessed!


In my work as an HR professional, in my life as a Mom, and in my study of human nature, I have many opportunities to observe people. It is infinitely clear that human beings do not “sit well” in situations of uncertainty. Some handle it better than others but very few master peace in the midst of the storm.

Along the way I have learned a few coping mechanisms that seem to help.

> Focus on the things you can control. For example, if there is uncertainty about your job security the things you can control are your preparedness if the loss occurs. Do you have a resume? Are you connected to your industry or networks? Do you have a mentor? Are you living within your means? Do you have financial support if things get tight. All of these, and more, are things that you can control in your readiness and reactions. And no matter what area of your life the uncertainty is attacking from, there are always things you can control. If nothing else, what you can control is what you learn about it. Information is power. And if you have a plan for the worst case scenario, you know you’ll be able to handle anything of a lesser degree.

> Learn stress management techniques. Even being prepared doesn’t mean you won’t be under stress during the uncertainty, as well as after change is known. Stress is the underlying cause of so many things that go wrong with our health. Do you know how to breathe differently to alleviate stress? Do you exercise and eat well to fuel the body that needs to take you through it all? Are you aware of when you hold your breath or tense your muscles and how you can, in just a few seconds, relax your body? Do you ground yourself in faith or community as a means of venting and seeking support? By having a way for your body to thrive vs. breakdown under stress you can minimize the physical effects and maintain, or heal, if necessary.

> Follow your passion!  When things are all up in the air it is so helpful to redirect your energy toward things that fan the flame of your passion. If uncertainty lies in health, work, relationships, etc., knowing what brings your soul alive allows you to progress by learning, sharing, teaching, participating, planning, and doing things that you love. Be it writing, art, music, volunteering, creating of any kind, whatever you enjoy doing, it can help you. Look for ways to do something related to your passion at least once a week, if not more.

Having a positive energy flow at times of uncertainty helps put things in a different balance of perspective. And reminding yourself that “this too shall pass” is a great way to prevent a fatalistic attitude.  Even in the midst of the unknown we know it won’t last forever. It is a season amongst many ebbing and flowing seasons.

Frankly, none of this is rocket science. Most people know these things intellectually but don’t often practice what they know. The hard part is, if you are not putting coping mechanisms in place before you need them, you might struggle more than you have to in the midst of the chaos. The best thing we can do for ourselves is really understand our options before we need them.

What are some other ways that you deal with uncertainty? We can all learn from each other. Be blessed!

Simple Reminder – Please Do

‎”You may not think the world needs you, but it does. For you are unique, like no-one who has been before or who will come after. No one can speak with your voice, say your piece, smile your smile, or shine your light. No one can take your place as it is yours alone to fill. If you are not there to shine your light, who knows how many travellers will lose their way as they pass by your empty space in the darkness.” ~ Your Inner Sparkle

This quote is a simple reminder because I see so many people forgetting their divine nature. They lose sight of their incredible uniqueness as a perfect gift to the world. The world may not recognize it if you are  hiding the brilliance of who you are. Whether you live a simple, modest life or a grand, and spectacular one is of no real matter. It’s the essence of how you live it that matters. Remember, it was a simple boy trained as a carpenter who changed the world forever.

When you can heal a heart, body, or soul – please do.

When you can lend a hand to build an invention, lift someone up, or raise a child – please do.

When you can sing a tune, create an artwork, or write a meaningful word – please do.

When you can feed a loved one, a stranger, the poor, or the masses – please do.

When you can spread a kind word to the discouraged, the failed, or the hard-working – please do.

When you can accept yourself, accept a compliment, accept the differences in those around you – please do.

When you can try again, forgive again, or love again – please do.

For when you do these things you are fulfilling the desires your soul has to be your very best version of yourself. You can live with vigor and grace the life that your spirit has chosen to live. And in all things, know that the Creator who made you wonderfully and uniquely, always loves you.

Be blessed!

Living Technicolor in a Black and White World

I’ve been in several conversations lately with people who tell me their world is black and white. Things are either good or bad. It’s all or nothing. A life of extremes or at least in my eyes, extreme decisions. Am I really that odd living in my shades of gray? Well, actually my world is technicolor.

Don’t get me wrong, there are a few things from a moral perspective that I believe are absolutely wrong. But those are but a handful. The rest belongs on a sliding scale that stretches from okay for someone else to good to better to best – for me. There’s room in my world for other opinions and I live and let live. I know my personality type allows for change and possibility and it makes life more delicious. To me, too many rules don’t make things better, but gives rise to more rebellion and judgments.

And the black and white world seems to be pervasive beyond just how people behave. It’s everywhere and here’s what it looks like:

> Things are new or trash. Wow that’s too bad. I’m not a hoarder but I find it fun to give something new life or a creative second purpose. I even know people who will never live in a previously owned home. It’s new homes only for them.

> There’s a right and a wrong way to do everything. Can you believe I’ve even been told there is a “right way” to make an ice cream sundae when you make them at home. Come on folks, really? I assure you it tastes good even if it doesn’t look like the pictures. And I wonder – is there really joy in that rigid approach to life? Lighten up a bit and put the cherries on the bottom once in a while!

> Everything is “mine” or “yours”. The black and white world is territorial too. I’ve gone to a church, being new to a town before and actually been chastised because I sat in someone’s pew and they NEVER change pews, or heaven forbid, they couldn’t sit 3 spots down. Really?? Pretty sure God can see you over there too, even in your non-welcoming, self-righteousness.

> Modern and trendy is the only way to go. Even in decorating the world I see seems black and white. So many people only accept the newest and trendiest. If it isn’t the newest, most modern design they won’t accept it. They miss out on the story and beauty of objects that were lovingly made and used over time. The character and workmanship across the ages lends texture and interest to me.

Sometimes I wonder if this black and white living is an American phenomenon. I know I’m not alone but my technicolor eyes seem a be a tad out-of-place sometimes. I like to see the shimmer and pizzazz of a life that has variety. And I love my world of colors. It’s juicier, sweeter, full of delightful sights, smells, tastes, textures, experiences and yumminess.

Tell me – what’s it like in your world and be blessed!

Simplicity – original poem


Simplicity of living is calling, prodding, and nudging me

Urging examination of the need for the things I see.

Why was it so important to possess just one more?

Could it have been to mask the hole deep inside my core?

The broken heart of my childhood from being sent away

Would not be mended by the woman I am, as I opened my hand to pay.

The rejection I felt from days gone by was the reality I knew inside

But it wasn’t things that was going to fix the wound that was gaping wide.

So I look to clear the clutter of my heart and of my home.

Knowing the space it will open up will allow my spirit to roam.

I won’t trip over object d’art or stash them out of sight.

I’ll release them one by one and then I’ll have room to see the light.

There’s no need to clear it all away for beauty has its place.

But one will do to please my eyes and not steal all my space.

And with the open crevices I’ll find some clear, clean air.

For now there’s room in heart and home for peace if I but dare.

~ Barbara Bernard Miller


Artwork from:

Power Off

At work we are observing Earth Week with a variety of activities. Our main focus is themed as “Power Off”. By turning off wasteful or energy hogging items we can reduce our usage and do our part to take care of Mother Earth.

That phrase “power off” immediately makes me look at other areas where conserving or eliminating energy might fare us well. Here’s just a few that quickly come to mind:

1) Judging ourselves as “less than.” Reality is – we are neither more than nor less that anyone else. Our journey is sprinkled with lessons to learn which includes a better understanding of what we can achieve if we choose to. We may make mistakes but they define the areas that need more attention or education. Some things we accept as gifts and others as opportunities. But none of it makes us “less than” in any way.

2) Only looking around the bend. This is sometimes the most difficult switch to “power off” because the line between dreams/goals and dissatisfaction is a fine line indeed. This is especially true if we compare what we have to what others have. We haven’t lived their trials so we surely can’t live their successes.  I’ve learned that gratitude for what I already have is the quickest way to attract more of what I want. When I spend energy to appreciate where I am, who I’m with, and what I have achieved, I actually build more energy to continue to create positivity. And that amplifies our energy. Switching off dissatisfaction actually gives us more.

3) Playing with temptation. Oh, the enticing call of that which is not in our best interests. Be it another handful of cookies (or candy, or chips …) or the short-sighted desire to live above our means or to follow the path to selfishness in any of its forms, is always a futile act of flirtation. We are flirting with regret and regression when we don’t flip the switch on this one. ‘Nuff said – we all know this is the hardest, most stuck of all things to “power off.” This is also the one area we do well to join forces and help each other. Lending a hand when a friend or loved one is falling toward their temptation may not be easy but it is always worthwhile.

These are just a glimpse at some energy hogging areas of life. We all have a lengthy list, if we spend a bit of time to be aware. Any efforts we make to tip the balance on the energy drains of our life make it easier to continue to change habits and reverse our limitations.

Will you power off with me? Be blessed!