Tag Archive | power

The Power Within You

The Power Within You

I’ve heard it said that some people live ninety years and others live one year ninety times.  The difference is that those living their years to the fullest are living their dreams.  We are all capable of living our dream lives when we open ourselves up to possibilities and opportunities.

We have been trained to look at conditions to determine what the opportunities and possibilities are for our lives, though these conditions can be limiting when viewed with just the five senses.  When we live outside the standard senses and use intuition, imagination, and perception we are able to more clearly see our heart’s desire and the dreams that will bring us the happiness for which we yearn.  We all have an inner voice, but it is not one of reason or logic…it is the voice of guidance.  This voice may not make sense to anyone else, but it is there to help us recognize and nurture the thoughts that build dreams of our very own.

The underling principle of dream building is this: The power that is within each of us is greater than anything that is in our surroundings.  The power that is within each of us is greater than any circumstance of our life.  The power that is within each of us is greater than our history.  There are all sorts of things that we can hold as ideas that will keep us from our dreams or, instead, we can use our thoughts in service of dreams instead of thwarting them. 

Changing our thoughts to best build our dreams is a two-step process.  First, we must release condition-based thinking.  If we focus our thoughts on what we don’t want to happen, we bring about those circumstances.  For example, if you want to lose weight and concentrate on not eating pizza, then you crave pizza and ultimately give in to it.

The second part of the process is to focus on what you do want to create, regardless of our conditions.  Using the weight loss example, if you think about the delicious salad you are going to have for dinner then you look forward to that salad and do not think about the pizza that would thwart your efforts.  This is true even if you work in a pizza parlor!

Each of us is the author of our own thoughts.  The past or present does not need to dictate the future.  Allow yourself to explore the possibilities of your dreams and fill your mind with what you would like to be and do and create and give.  Use your inner power to write the future in a way that supports your dreams. 

To Your Greatness!

~ Barbara



P.S. Want support in discovering and building your dreams? I am now a certified Dream Builder Life Coach. I carved out a few strategy sessions that I am gifting ($250 value). Message me if you want to learn more.



My Soul Stirs – original poem

Binary-Star-2-PhotoMY SOUL STIRS

Standing in the middle of movement, the twirling, swirling world moves around me.

With no warning. No clue. No signal.

Action fades into a standstill.

I caught a glance and my soul stirs.

I am suddenly and excitedly alive.

With every breath of air the goosebumps rise.

A green and vibrant vision appears.

Angels voices arise mingling with your words.

I see a new dimension where energy abounds.

With each moment, each hour, each revelation the connection is cementing.

I did not know the revelation was on the horizon.

Taken aback and yet surging full speed into possibility.

Oneness. Power. Collaboration.

I do what I know and it grows.

You do what you know and it explodes.

Healing and the healer emerging in a breath.

Souls embracing remembered power.

I see you more clearly.

Nothing will be the same.


And my soul shivers.

~ Barbara Bernard Miller

Joyful Yes

This week I had a gentle reminder of something that’s been on my “bucket list” for a very long time. It’s a small thing really, but a desire that was planted in the wee early days of my career. The “what” is not important. What is important is that, with the courage to speak a desire, even one that seems frivolous or unimportant to others, I find power in my voice. And the resulting “yes” strengthens my resolve to continue to create the life I want.

It sometimes surprises me to remember, or is it realize, that I really do have the power to get the things I want. The obstacles are rarely real. Whether it be the fear to ask. The shyness of being judged. The assumption that our desires are not important enough. Or that others hold the key to achieving our goal. How many times does this lesson come around? And the answer is still the same – SPEAK into possibility the thing you want, and BELIEVE it into existence by ACTION. Well, that and persistence, sometimes.

I know from speaking to many wiser and more experienced people that it is the little commitments to ourselves that we  keep which fuel our spirit. And in my own wisdom, which has been hard-won, I know that happiness is situational but joy is an enduring mindset. If I have to choose one – I choose joy. Because joy is not about the emotion in the moment but about an attitude of appreciation along the journey.

I wish for you a joyful “yes” for something on your bucket list. Go for it and be blessed!

Just Speak – original poem


From stem to stern and back again.

Top to bottom, without end.

Your cells know the energy of a positive flow.

Your words bellow forth with new life.

The sentiment of your heart changes the air.

Every part of you responding to the beat of your cares.

With heavy heart the day goes dark.

With lightness of hope the day glows.

It isn’t the outside that colors your world.

But the rainbow of thoughts and words.

With practice your mind can shift your view.

Allowing the breaking of dawn.

Brushing aside the darkest of thoughts.

You harness the power of control.

With it comes swift changes to your world.

It’s your words that speak your thoughts to life.

As your energy entwines with others.

A thought, a word, a positive shift.

Is all it takes to change your path.

From slowly slipping away with regret.

To a warm embrace of belonging.

It only takes one act from you.

You have the power within.

To shift the story of who you are.

Just speak your life to your dreams.

It changes everything.

~ Barbara Bernard Miller

Power of the Universe revisited

I woke up this morning knowing that I need to step graciously and positively into my day. I have a presentation to make that will be a message of joy to some and create apprehension in others. It’s an important meeting. It’s also important how I show up and how I deliver the content.

Because of this I was feeling a bit jittery, even after my morning prayers. I’m not one to be nervous about speaking in front of a group, but I do want to be thoughtful and effective, especially today. So with that mindset I stopped out here at my blog with the intention of centering my thoughts on something positive. God certainly does delight me with little surprises. I saw on my stats all the folks that had read my home page. And there was one someone in the world who had read a different one of my posts. I clicked on it and realized that it was exactly what I needed to re-read for today. It’s the Power of the Universe posting.

It reminds me of who I am and the power I have. In short order I felt my nerves calming as I remembered who I am and the connection I have to the Divine. Check it out and see if it sparks something in you today.

Be the greatest you can possibly be … and be blessed!

SOULS ALIVE – original poem

                                         SOULS ALIVE

Inside of you and inside me is a soul designed to create.

Born to bring to life a piece of what makes us great.

In the dark of our imagination, a flicker of light does grow.

And into the day comes the manifestation of that which makes us glow.

From the second we see it forming in the back of our mind’s eye.

The essence begins to take its shape in a way we can’t deny.

Once it blooms into a form we ought not hide it away.

Because the creation that comes from our best must be given away.

Whether it’s art, or words of wisdom, or whether our gift is love,

We can trace its origins back to source, our creator, God above.

There is no chaos or drift of fate that allows for the act of creation.

For without an artist to think it up, there is no imagination.

You and I are the final product of the great Creator’s hand.

With love, a word, and nothing more, he made us on command.

And now in his image, and with the power of his heritage within.

We must stir up our spirit, and muster our courage to have ourselves begin.

To create the world we long to have, where everyone can thrive.

Is  exactly the reason we have power within to bring our souls alive.

~ Barbara Bernard Miller

Power and Majesty

There is something about a thunderstorm that I just love. The air feels and smells different from any other weather pattern. Before it even arrives you can see it swelling in the distance. The calm before the storm is almost palpable. The animals scurry differently. The leaves on some trees flip over in anticipation of the drink. The sky is divided into darkness and light and rainbows are sometimes visible.

The combination of the rumble of the thunder, the even beating of the raindrops, and the flashing show of lightning all remind me of the power and majesty of nature. Or, as I believe, it demonstrates the power and majesty of God. Nature is both palette and gallery of the artistry of God.

To me, one of the best parts of weather is that it is one thing on earth that man cannot control. We cannot bribe, buy, dictate, strategize, blackmail, or command it. No one person can claim it’s power or use it as a weapon. It is the great equalizer. And I believe the result of this equalization actually brings out the best in people.

When natural or weather disasters strike, there is no rich or poor who is spared. No race or gender is favored. But rather, we become neighbors and community in a way that other issues and problems do not illicit. In the wake of hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes and the like we come together to search out those who are in distress so we can make it better. We gain courage to do heroic things for protection and recovery of life. We become more human and humane towards each other.

So today, as my area of the world is pelted with fierce storms, I will pray for the safety of people, animals, and possessions. And I will also bask, just a little bit, in the kindness of strangers that inevitably shows itself.

Be safe and be blessed!

Power of the Universe

You have within you the greatest power of the universe! Do not kid yourself into believing that the limitations you view of yourself are real. If you gaze only at what you have accomplished in the past, you dishonor your ability to create in the here and now.

If inventors and scientists looked only at what they were able to do yesterday we would have nothing new in this world. It is because they tinker and try and stumble upon happy accidents that they bring new solutions into the world.

If children looked only at what they knew yesterday they would know nothing. It is because they listen and practice and question that they bring revelation to their minds. That revelation grows until they can achieve not just knowledge but also wisdom.

You were created in the image of THE Creator. With that privilege comes the ability to wonder, ponder, imagine and act. God’s spirit in you gives you the power to create too!

What is that one thing that you’ve had sitting in your heart for a long, long time (or even just since yesterday) that seems to spark your curiosity? Do you have “what if” statements that tickle your brain? Do you see a need and believe that it is larger than you, maybe even larger than life? The fact that you see it means you have the seed of possibility to affect it within you. You have the ability to whisper or scream that possibility into life by creating an action. One step toward the “what if”  that can bring it one step closer to reality.

I believe that every human being has the power to change this world. YES – how deliciously wonderful is the prospect! We do it everyday even when we aren’t consciously aware we’re doing it. Your words create change in the realm of what’s possible. Your thoughts create change in the realm of your esteem and desires. Every action ripples through the world because what you say and do is seen by others, which begins the chain of reaction. It brings life to the story of possibility. Every great change or movement in this world was just an idea whispering around in someone’s mind that they didn’t dismiss. This truth is the greatest hope that exists.

I believe in you. God believes in you. What do you believe in?

“Where there is faith … there is hope. Where there is hope … there is possibility. Where there is possibility … there is victory. Never stop believing!” ~ Barbara Bernard Miller

How Simple Life is …

I read a quote today that is so familiar and yet it stops me every time I read it. I share it here for you and hope it blesses you too.

“When you understand that what most people really, really want is simply to feel good about themselves, and when you realize that with just a few well-chosen words you can help virtually anyone on the planet instantly achieve this, you begin to realize just how simple life is, how powerful you are, and that love is the key.” ~ Mike Dooley

Strive to be Great!

“Strive to be great at what you are good at instead of average at what you are bad at. In otherwords – use your true power and talents to the best of your ability and you can affect your life and the world. Be blessed!”  ~ Barbara Bernard Miller

Remember Who You Are

Do you ever sometimes forget who you are? Not your name. Not your family. But your faith – do you forget that you are chosen because God created you and He loves you? Sometimes I think it is so easy to forget just who we are.

I think about this as I approach problems and questions. Sometimes I get so wrapped up in seeing the problem that I forget the next step – looking for the solutions. If we always stay stuck in that space of identifying, naming, categorizing, analyzing, giving name to our problems it becomes bigger and stronger in our mind. Take for instance finances. I used to think so much about what the next bill is, when it’s due, how much or little I have in the bank to cover it, etc. I never actually moved passed the stage of being in awe of the size of the problem. I never actually remembered that who I am is a child of God. I have the protection of the Creator of the Universe behind me. I have the creative power that He rendered to me at birth, in His likeness. I just need to look for opportunities to use it!

Sometimes the solution is in renaming and reclaiming my power. Be it over destructive habits (in this example, spending or not saving). I sometimes forget that this life is about creating and about possibilities. The possibility to see things from a different angle. The possibility to count my blessings instead of my sorrows. Yes, it’s a lofty ideal if it’s just that – an ideal. But when I put it into practice – when I really and truly look for and count my blessings, big and small, it overwhelms me how truly loved I am. All problems seem to regain their proper perspective and new ideas and new solutions come into my consciousness. Not because the problem went away but because I remembered who I am and who my source is. There is nothing that can overcome me if I have my eyes, my heart, and my gratitude on the Lord.

So, friends – remember who you are and look for the grand possibilities that exist in this world to overcome.

Be blessed!