A New Year’s Theme

Here we stand on the brink of 2013 – the year that many thought would not exist. But really, it is a wonderful year to be approaching. For me, 13 is my favorite number. My birthday is August 13. I turned 13 on Friday the 13th, and 13 has always come as a lucky number for me. I’m excited to enter 2013!

I am not one to make broad sweeping resolutions – those do not seem to work for anyone I know. But I do have a New Year’s practice. As many do, I reflect on the year that is passing and try to take in the parts that have changed me or altered my life. But I don’t concentrate on that very long – the past is gone. A lesson, an experience, a fleeting set of moments that have moved me forward.

What I like to do is focus on what energy and spiritual theme seems to be drawing me into the new year. I’ve had various themes throughout the years – I’ve had years focused on freedom (and finding mine), learning/exploration, empowerment, etc. Each year I have been able to reflect back at the end and see the theme as it weaved its way throughout my days, weeks, and months and actually come alive.

82964818106098376_3LmOcdCX_b2012 was about VALUING MYSELF (and my gifts). It wasn’t about ego but rather about trying to see what others see as the value that I bring to relationships and situations. It was about quelling the self-doubt and self-criticizing and allowing my gifts to be appreciated by me. It wasn’t  just about identifying them, but using them and seeing what I uniquely bring into the world. It has been both liberating and an awesome responsibility. It has been a year of growth for me. It has been a year full of “I AM” statements that have turned into “I DO” actions. It has been a fulfilling year and one that has strengthened my soul.

So what is next? This year – 2013, is a big one for me! It’s the year I turn 50. I’m starting a new job in my company. My son is getting married in July. My daughter will be away at a co-op for 9 out of the 12 months while planning her wedding for 2014. Big changes and shifts are at play and I must take that into consideration. But the theme of my year is never really about the changes others are living through, but rather, what my spiritual journey is taking me through.

549456_337409909654335_1145065317_nNow it is time for me to declare my new year’s theme. This year, for 2013, my theme is DISCIPLINE. Believe me when I say that this is not the word that I “want” to be drawn to. But I know, in this moment of my life, this is the right theme for me. It will help me prepare for the changes on a physical, financial, emotional, spiritual and intellectual level. And so I prepare over the next couple of days to fully appreciate my gifts at the close of 2013 and align my heart and actions toward discipline in 2013. I’m excited to see what comes alive for me on this new year’s  journey.

Choose your New Year theme and be blessed!

4 thoughts on “A New Year’s Theme

  1. well.., i am tentative.., new to achieving.., usually it comes by luck, and i seem to havehad my share of that.., tho it also means i DID put one foot in front of the other and got there.., You and Kris are among my chief internet mentors.., the way, your way is a challenge, and you have DONE IT, so i think about following. my goal presently is best health at 68 post breast cancer and older joints etc etc…, and living my artistic life fully. so indeed i am exercising more, following much good advice food/nutrition-wise…, and futuristically…, i hope to respond to an artist friend’s invitation to an art show in Italy this Spring. Very new to me. I started to figure out how to present some work this past year, and this present opportunity/challenge is amazing. so i am going for it! now to get out in the sun and walk! then finish my mini art calendar for 2013 and get it out to friends, and i suppose i ought to clean the kitchen! thanks for being you!

    • You are so on the right track! Believing that your dream is worth chasing is the hardest part. Look for connections and inspirations so you can continue to put one foot in front of the other. Congratulations on beating cancer – that right there is an inspiration to all who know you, I’m sure!I’m rooting for you! Thanks for stopping by and commenting. Take care and be blessed!

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