Tag Archive | tribute

Maya Angelou … a Tribute – original poem

Today the light in heaven got a little brighter as the earth released a powerful, lovely woman … Dr. Maya Angelou.

MayaAngelouShe had long been my hero – this woman, this phenomenal woman who gave voice to higher spirit living inside of us. She encouraged us. She lit the candle of her soul into the darkness and she made the world look at itself differently. She will continue to guide my path as her words, although now limited by time and space, will continue to radiate until the end of time itself. I am sad to see her go.

One of my favorite quotes from Maya is: “A bird doesn’t sing because it has an answer, it sings because it has a song.” In honor of that lovely insight, I will “sing my song” in this poem, this tribute to a rare soul. Be blessed on your journey home Maya!



(original poem)

The words, though they cease in their coming, echo brightly into the world.

Bouncing from soul to soul with a loving touch, I hear them ringing.

I follow the sound of encouraging rhythm and see their wisdom still living.

You, a humble hero with not enough time to satiate our hearts.

You, a poet, evangelist, and earth angel flitting now beyond time.

You shall be missed but not forgotten.

You will be quoted, revered, and still spoken.

You shall gloriously write the words the angels now will sing.

And in the day when your voice can be heard by all of eternity,

We shall look again upon a woman, a phenomenal woman, 

Speaking her lilting words of love.

And we will again be inspired.

~ Barbara Bernard Miller

Nelson Mandela Tribute

I have spent the last several days thinking about Nelson Mandela and what he meant to the world. He was a beacon of peace, love, and light as he stepped away from his life in prison into a life of forgiveness and transformation. I’ve seen quotes and posted them. I’ve read stories and been touched. Today, I saw this tribute from a flashmob at a store in South Africa and I knew that this song tribute said all that I could not find the words for. And so I share this tribute and wish peace, love and forgiveness to this world he leaves behind.

Be blessed!