Tag Archive | Vending machine

50 Acts of Kindness – 11-20

Here’s some more of the 50 Acts of Kindness from my 50th birthday ….

#11 – Babies & Kids –  I stashed $5.00 in these mini-purses to be given to some little girls we found along the way. My friend Lisa saw these cuties while delivering the diaper bags to a McDonalds. They were excited to pick the cute little purses and find the treat inside.

kiddy purses - Lisa     kiddy money purses

#12 Sick & Needy:  Gave a gift card to a needy person to help toward their prescriptions.


#13 Those Who Serve:  I visited a veteran and spent some time talking to her about her service. Her name is Gerry and she is a quiet-spoken woman who has served in the Army. She was happy for the company, although she had issues with her eyes and the lights so that’s why she has her eyes shut. She was hoping to go home soon. I hope so too!

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#14 Just Because:  Babysat my niece so my sister and her husband could have a date night. Gotta support the parents out there! Although… she was such a help in preparing for the Kindness Inspires Kindness day that I think we both received a kindness from this. Here she is with my girl Maria who was also a big help in preparing for the day!

Megan and Maria 8-13-13

#15 Babies & Kids – Donated books to preschool and the library. We had quite a few good books to share with little minds. I remember reading to my kids every day of their lives until they could read to me. How fun to share the joy of stories with other children.


#16 Sick & Needy – donated blankets to the women’s shelter/homeless. This reminded me of a project I did with my daughter when she was in high school where we made “quillows”, which are quilts that fold up into themselves to become pillows. We donated those to the women’s shelter and I thought this would be a good reminder of that earlier project.


#17 Those Who Serve – Gave some sweet treats to some teachers for the first day of school. Goodness knows they need a little boost as they head into the craziness of another school year.

McAuley teacher treats treats for teachers

#18 Just Because – We taped money for the vending machines around emergency rooms and other random vending machines so those without enough change could still get a treat. I remember a time taking one of my kids to the ER and forgot my wallet in the rush. I figured this was a good way to do a small thing at a time of crisis.

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#19 For Those Who Serve:  Gave a gift card to a teacher to help out with the supplies she buys for her students. It’s so easy to forget how little teachers are paid and how much they give of their own money to help out their students.

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#20 Babies & Kids – Gave newborn diapers and some wipes to parents of newborns at Christ Hospital and Good Samaritan Hospital in Cincinnati – these are the 2 hospitals where my own children were born. This is Scott, a proud Daddy of a newborn girl who was thrilled by the gift. He promised to pay it forward. Isn’t that a cute “proud papa” smile? He was heading to get his wife and baby girl and take them home.

Scott - Dad of new baby Christ Hospital


Stay tuned tomorrow for the next set of Acts of Kindness. Be kind in your corner of the world and be blessed!