Tag Archive | loving thoughts

Mirror Moments

Laura-Williams’-Creative-Invisible Reflection-Photo-Session-2I experienced one of those “mirror moments” today. I was attending a  community group today with a lovely bunch of women. The session included some reflective, quiet time and supportive sharing.  Right in the middle of this lovely energy we were interrupted by a very indignant woman barging into the space being rude and accusatory without reason. She was the mother-of-the bride who was preparing for the wedding that was to take place later in the day in the same venue.

After she left the space we all quickly cleared her energy from the room and sent her loving thoughts. The irony was that the session was about the mother archetype. What I realized as time went on was that “mad mama bear” energy the woman brought into the room was a reflection back to me (and perhaps others) of the effect that aggressive mothering has on others. One one hand, I felt offended by her and pity for her daughter who was experiencing such negative energy on such a beautiful day. On the other hand, I saw myself in her from times in past when I felt the need to lash out to protect my rights, my children’s rights, or just because I was stressed. That mirror moment, while brief, has left an imprint on my mind and my heart.

I hope I remember that impact and that woman the next time my “mama bear” emotions rear up. I hope I hold the mirror up fast enough to not take that energy into the groups of people that I encounter. If I make this mistake, I pray that others will clear that energy from the room and send me loving thoughts as we did today.

And, while it was disconcerting, I find it also stirred up my compassion. It reminds me that everywhere I go, there are people experiencing life as unfair and difficult, stressed beyond their own recognition. I choose to use that compassion and that recognition as deeper motivation to use my energy to shift the energy around me for good.

Blessings dear bride, and peace to you “mama bear” – may the wedding be a joyous moment free of aggressive, stressed out energy.

Be blessed!