Catching up ….

Ahhh, I have been missing the joys of blogging with you, my friends. Work has gotten the best of my schedule and my energy the last few days. I took a couple of days off, had some fun in Indianapolis and then hit the ground running at work again. I have made a few attempts to get online and write incredibly inspirational things … well, that was my intention. What really happened was that I stared at the monitor and my mind was blank. Just like the static filled  TV screens of days-gone-by.  I did not want to subject you to the crickets chirping in my rather uninspired head, so I let myself rest.

These last few days I find myself doing work that is stretching my brain. Like all exercise, it is both pain and pleasure. Keeping all the balls in the air and checking, double checking, correcting, and then checking and checking again all the numbers and data is, well, not my most enjoyable job task. Can I do it – yes. Do I wanna – not usually. Will it end – yes, but dear GOD, when???  But it doesn’t really matter – it is critical for the work at hand. So I stretch that muscle and find that thankfully, it stretches but doesn’t snap. Yes, I have a few more bleary-eyed evenings in front of the computer screen, and perhaps an extra head-ache or two but that’s really just fatigue. The beauty is that I am reconfirming the strength of my knowledge and the agility of my mind to focus and expand, focus and expand.

And along the way I am connecting with family and friends, wallowing in the excitement of future wedding plans for my son, and missing my daughter with all my heart.

I hope that you are able to manage having a balance of relaxation and excitement in your summer. Hopefully no data filled, bleary-eyed nights for you!

Stay cool and be blessed!

4 thoughts on “Catching up ….

  1. I sure know what you mean Barb. With working and doing all the other life things we have to do sometimes it is hard to sit down and try to write something to post. Occasionally we just don’t feel like it, even though we hate to admit that. It is ok. We have a right to take breaks. And those of us who post just because we want to, and to keep in touch with others we are not obligated to post everyday 🙂 It is good when we are inspired to do so.

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