Tag Archive | fall

Sensual and Sultry

Have you taken note of the sensual and sultry changes going on around you? There is a dance afoot with the season of the fiery metamorphosis.  The way the wind whips up the leafy skirts of the trees and sets the fallen, colorful carpet to dancing. Yesterday and today are the perfect examples.

We had sunny skies and 70 degree weather yesterday. As I walked outside I noticed both the crimson leaves and the hot pink of late-blooming roses in my yard. The mix of the aromas was intoxicating. Standing there I could feel the warm breeze of early fall. The leaves were dancing in the streets and swaying to the rhythm of the gentle breeze. The crunch of the leaves beneath my feet added accent to the senses. The leaves looked as if they were lazily skipping around to a distant song that I could not yet hear. Children could be heard laughing down the street. It was serene and lovely. Yesterday the autumn air was sensual.

And then the rains came. I could hear it tapping on my window through the night. When I awoke to leave the sky was still dark, just softly kissing the dawn of the day. I found the air cool and drippy with tiny droplets. Not fully raining but definitely chilly with spits to wet the cement. And the leaves were dancing again. But this time the rhythm was swirling and twirling and more vigorous. This was air that ushers in the late October moon. The song of the leaves was more vigorous and spirited. This morning’s autumn air was sultry.

It is the ebb and flow of the warm and crisp air and the changes to the sights and sounds in the trees as the wind whispers through the season that captures my soul. And I long to join the dance. That sensual, sultry dance that marks the descent of another year. A celebration and a final farewell.

Join me in the dance and be blessed!

The Seasons

There’s something magical about seeing the sunshine bouncing off the crystal snow-covered world. The combination of ice and hot existing at the same time is a mesmerizing dichotomy. We’ve had such a mild winter this year with nothing but a dusting on a couple of occasions. And while enjoying spring like days is physically enjoyable, the absence of the snow has left some of us missing the ethereal beauty that happens each year when white covers the world with a sense of cleansing.

So today we don’t have a deep covering but when I look out my window and see the blanket of white that is only disturbed by a random footprint of a deer I feel a sense of relief. This is why I know I will always live in a place that experiences all four seasons. The ebb and flow of change is good for my heart and soul.

Enjoy these pictures of Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter and be blessed!






